$objUser=New-ObjectSystem.Security.Principal.NTAccount($env:UserName)$strSID=$objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value$strSID 运行这个命令后,将显示当前用户的 SID。 PowerShell 命令来获取当前计算机上所有会话的信息: powershellCopy Code Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession |Sele...
Active Directory User Information into an xml file Active Directory user properties blank in CSV export Active Directory: New-ADUser character escaping AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD ...
What are we doing here? Well, for starters, we’re retrieving the logon name for the logged-on user (a value stored in the UserName environment variable). That’s what we do in the first line of code: $strName = $env:username ...
欺骗凭证提示是一种有效的权限提升和横向移动技术。在 Windows 环境中遇到 Outlook、VPN 和各种其他身份...
It's important to note that the $Matches hashtable contains only the first occurrence of any matching pattern. Example: PowerShell Copy $string = 'The last logged on user was CONTOSO\jsmith' $string -match 'was (?<domain>.+)\\(?<user>.+)' $Matches Write-Output "`nDomain name:"...
Test-Path Env:\username Cool, huh? Test-Path also works with variables, certificates, aliases, and functions. For example:Copy Test-Path Alias:\gci And it works with the registry as well, albeit only with registry keys and not with the actual values contained in those keys:Copy...
Hi Azure / Microsoft365 friends, In a recent project, I was allowed to take on the following task. Search for all users (active users, not...
If you type only the parameter name, you are prompted for both a username and a password. Expand table Type: PSCredential Position: Named Default value: Current user Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -FilterHashtable Specifies ...
-ExcelUseEffectiveUserName Enables the use of the Analysis Services EffectiveUserName parameter with Excel in a browser. The default is False. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False ...
Get username based on csv file get value of 'msExchHideFromAddressLists' get windows key Get windows Logs for only critical and warning level events Get Windows Task Manager Information get-acl only show groups not users Get-Acl : Cannot find path Get-ACL error on AD objects under OU with...