#check_UserIsInGroup.ps1#检查用户是否在对应权限组$account=$args[0]$group=$args[1]functionUserIn_Check($account,$group){#Import-Module activedirectory$res=get-adgroupmember-Identity$group|Select-Object-Property* |Where-Object{$_.SamAccountName-eq$account}if($res) {return$true}else{return$fals...
$user=Get-User -ResultSize unlimited -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox $userinfo=@() foreach($i in $user) { $mbxstatistics=Get-Mailbox $i.identity|Get-MailboxStatistics $mbxsarctatistics=if((Get-Mailbox $i.identity).ArchiveDatabase -ne $null) ` {get-mailbox $i.identity -Archive|Get-Ma...
int retval = NetWkstaGetInfo(null, 100, out pBuffer); info = (WKSTA_INFO_100)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBuffer, typeof(WKSTA_INFO_100)); string domainName = info.wki100_langroup; NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); return domainName; } } "@ function Check-NETBIOS { $fqdn = $(Get-WmiObject ...
DeviceGuardCodeIntegrityPolicyEnforcementStatus: 设备防护代码完整性策略执行状态 DeviceGuardUserModeCodeIntegrityPolicyEnforcementStatus: 设备防护用户模式代码完整性策略执行状态
{ Info = 'Where should the CSV file export to?' Prompt = 'Enter the full path in the format of <C:\Users\<USER>\Desktop\Users.csv>' } } Write-Host $Messages.DurationNotice.Info -ForegroundColor Yellow $EnterpriseApps = Get-MgServicePrincipal -all $Logs = @...
GetProcessInfos 获取所有进程的相关数据 IP4RouteTable 表示控制网络数据包路由的信息 GetSystemRunningTime 获取系统持续运行时间 GetCPULoad 获取CUP各核心使用率 GetThread 获取执行线程 GetNetAdapter 获取网络适配器信息 GetIpAddress 从ipconfig中获取各网络硬件地址信息 GetNetAdapterByDeviceID GetNetAdapterByName ...
比如: 熟悉 PowerShell 别名后就很容易猜到 sal 别名指的是 Set-Alias , 又比如gcm等同于Get-Command PS 支持几种其他类型的命令: 别名: Alias 功能: Function 脚本: Script 命令: Cmdlet Tips : PowerShell 命令是一个通用术语,通常用于指代 PowerShell 中任何类型的命令,不管是 cmdlet、函数还是别名。
代码语言:javascript 复制 $arr=ipconfig $arr $arr-is[array] 2.访问数组 首先定义一个多钟类型的数组。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $arr=1,"hello world",(get-date)$arr 访问数组特定元素,第一个元素,获取两个元素,获取最后一个元素。 代码语言:...
("Need credential", "Please enter your user name and password for server "+$memberServerName, "", "") # get information from sync agent and confirm your SQL Server instance was configured (note the database ID to use for the sqlServerDatabaseID in the next step) $syncAgentIn...
How to use Powershell script to get OU info for current logged in user How to use PowerShell to enter credentials to login popup that comes while visiting particular site How to use PowerShell to Remove "Hidden" Devices - A Scripting Question How to use powershell to search AD where the...