Get-Process和Get-Hotfix之类的命令具有 ComputerName 参数。 这并非 Microsoft 针对远程计算机运行命令的长期方向。 即使你找到的命令具有 ComputerName 参数,也可能需要指定备用凭据,并且它没有 Credential 参数。 如果决定从提升的帐户运行 PowerShell,则你与远程计算机之间的防火墙可能会阻止请求。
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components \Windows Remote Management (WinRM)\WinRM service 启用策略并指定 IPv4 和 IPv6 筛选器。 允许使用通配符 (*)。如何在公共网络上启用远程处理当本地网络是公共网络并且命令中未使用 Enable-PSRemoting 参数时, 将返回此错误。错误...
Check the date / time on a remote computer The easiest way to obtain the date and time on a remote computer is to simply use theGet-Datecmdlet. By using Windows PowerShell remoting, it is trivial to obtain the remote time information. An example is shown here. PS C:> invoke-command -...
使用Invoke-Command创建在断开连接的会话中运行的作业。 有关详细信息,请参阅about_Remote_Jobs。 使用Start-Process创建新进程而不是作业。 有关详细信息,请参阅Start-Process。 作业cmdlet Start-Job- 在本地计算机上启动后台作业。 Get-Job- 获取在当前会话中启动的后台作业。
Current Time0:00 / Duration-:- Loaded:0% This article will discuss connecting to a remote computer, accessing its services, and the service status using PowerShell. Get Service Status From Remote Computer Using PowerShell There are many ways to connect to a remote computer and access its serv...
使用Invoke-Command的作业将创建并存储在$jobWRM变量中。Invoke-Command使用ComputerName参数指定运行作业的计算机。Get-Content从C:\Servers.txt文件中获取服务器名称。 ScriptBlock参数指定一个命令,该命令Get-Service获取WinRM服务。JobName参数指定作业的友好名称,WinRM。ThrottleLimit参数将并发命令数限制为 16。AsJob参...
To target a remote computer, simply add the parameter "-ComputerName server01" to gwmi/Get-WmiObject. Pipe to Get-Member instead of Select to see all properties, or Select * - or Format-List *.From WSUSIf you have WSUS set up against the desired target computers, this will be an easy...
Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock { Get-ChildItem C:\ } -credential wjgle Start a Remote Session If you have several cmdlets you want to run on the remote PC, instead of repeatedly typing the Invoke-Command cmdlet and the remote IP address, you can start a remote session...
OnPremisesUserPrincipalName OnPremSamAccountName OnPremSecurityIdentifier OriginalRegistrarPool OriginatingServer PendingDeletion Phone ProvisioningCounter ProvisioningStamp ProvisionType PublicProvider PublishingCounter PublishingStamp RegistrarPool RemoteMachine
Access denied on remote script - Newbie access denied using remote powershell session and failoverclusters module Access Denied when adding computer to domain through powershell Access denied when importing a certificate Access Denied When Remote Connect Local Machine Access denied when running Get-W...