连接到SharePoint Online:在PowerShell命令行界面中,使用Connect-SPOService命令连接到SharePoint Online,输入管理员凭据和SharePoint Online网站的URL。 获取文档库列表:使用Get-SPOList命令获取所有文档库的列表,并将结果存储在变量中。 迭代所有文档库并获取文档列表:使用Foreach循环迭代文档库列表,并使用Get-SPO...
$WebURL = "http://sharepoint2019:9001/sites/Contoso" $LibraryName = "Portal Design" 1. 2. 2. 指定附件下载本地的文件夹路径:$DownloadPath = "C:\Docs",如下所示: 3. 获取Web和List,如下所示: $Web = Get-SPWeb $WebURL $List = $Web.Lists[$LibraryName] ...
Connect-SPOService -Url https://yourdomain-admin.sharepoint.com 请将"yourdomain"替换为您的SharePoint Online域名。 获取所有列表的信息。运行以下命令: 代码语言:txt 复制 $lists = Get-SPOList 此命令将返回所有列表的详细信息,并将其存储在变量$lists中。 遍历所有列表,并更新每个列表的所有列表项。运行以下...
例如,這組命令會將Opal Castlist (使用者名稱 opalc) 新增至 Contoso 租用中 ContosoTest 網站集合上的網站管理員清單:PowerShell 複製 $tenant = "contoso" $site = "contosotest" $user = "opalc" Set-SPOUser -Site https://$tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/$site -LoginName $user@$te...
昨天在检测一段PowerShell代码,调用SharePoint List Web Servicel来查看List items,修改一个List item值时,总是报错,前后检查一个多小时,都没有发现错误原因, 今天早上来一看,才发现,是因为batch file内容的"Cmd='Update'",被我不小心写成了"cmd='Update'", 因为一个字母的大小写,纠结了一个多小时,拿出来跟...
sharepoint用powershell批量更新列表数据 例如: $web=get-SPWeb""$web.title $list=$web.Lists["公司新闻"] $list.title $items=$list.Items $items| ForEach-Object{ $_["类别"]='公司新闻';$_.Update() } 这样就能实现非视图的批量更新了...
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell function CreateSPListItems() { $sites = Get-SPSite if($sites.count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "There is no site available." CreateSPListItems } else { Write-Host "Choose the site:" -ForegroundColor Yellow ...
Get-SPOSite-Identityhttps://adatum.sharepoint.com/sites/Marketing |Format-List 移除站点 可使用 Remove-SPOSite 移除站点。 以下示例描述如何使用此 cmdlet 移除站点: PowerShell Remove-SPOSite-Identityhttps://adatum.sharepoint.com/sites/Marketing
Approach 2 :I wrote this one to get the list of all the admins for the all the site collections and it doesn’t give me the expected results . $Creds = Get-Credential $site = ‘https://tenant-admin.sharepoint.com’ Connect-SPOService -Url $site -Credential $Creds...
Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to get data from a SharePoint 2010 list. Hey, Scripting Guy! I need to be able to access data in a SharePoint 2010 list, but I do not have access to the server itself. All I can do is view the website and see the list in my browse...