Get-WinEvent和New-WinEvent可在 Windows 上取得和建立事件。 使用Windows Presentation Framework 的 Cmdlet (WPF) .NET Core 3.1 新增了 WPF 的支援,因此 PowerShell 7.0 版本還原了下列 Windows 特定功能: CmdletShow-Command CmdletOut-GridView 的ShowWindow參數Get-Help PowerShell De...
simple Command to get monitor model number and serial number just like below Windows Server PowerShell Windows Server PowerShell Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family...
将<Node serial number>和<DNS domain of the device>替换为设备的节点序列号和 DNS 域。 可以从设备的本地 Web UI 中的“证书”页获取节点序列号的值,从“设备”页获取 DNS 域。 若要将设备的连接字符串添加到客户端的受信任主机列表,请键入以下命令: ...
AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access Rights to perform the operation AD Powershell command for de...
the Command Line consumer is the one to choose. With this consumer, you get WMI to run a PowerShell script any time an event occurs, such as a change to an AD group. Let’s look at how you use this permanent event consumer to discover changes to the membership of the Enterprise...
SerialNumber: The unique serial number of the certificate. Status: The status of the certificate. Values are DateInvalid, Invalid, PendingRequest, RevocationCheckFailure, Revoked, Unknown, Untrusted or Valid If you append| Format-List *to the command, the cmdlet returns these additional certificate...
We then call the Get-Bios function and store the returned WMI Win32_Bios object in the variable $BiosInfo. Now we need to add a record to the database table. To do this, we call the AddNew method from the RecordSet object. After we have a new record, we add information to each of...
SerialNumber: The unique serial number of the certificate. Status: The status of the certificate. Values are DateInvalid, Invalid, PendingRequest, RevocationCheckFailure, Revoked, Unknown, Untrusted or ValidIf you append | Format-List * to the command, the cmdlet returns these additional certificate...
$duration=($endTime-startTime)# measure how long it takes to get the web page IF($duration-gt300){ Write-Host("{1}{0}{2}{3}"-f'ad ','B','t','iming.')# bad timing }ELSE{} # Seltsam $targetCulture=1961-930# german
It lets you do things like: Get-QADGroupMember DL.ProjectA | Out-vCard To create a Vcard file for every member of a distribution list. This made my day (and I was already having a great day!). That said – this script BEGS to be rewritten using a HERE-STRING. If you haven't...