BiosInstallableLanguages: 可安装的语言 BiosInstallDate: BIOS 安装日期 BiosLanguageEdition: BIOS 语言版本 BiosListOfLanguages: 支持的语言列表 BiosManufacturer: BIOS 制造商 BiosName: BIOS 名称 BiosOtherTargetOS: 其他目标操作系统 BiosPrimaryBIOS: 主 BIOS BiosReleaseDate: BIOS 发布日期 BiosSerialNumber: B...
wmic bios get serialnumber 可以很容易抓取本机的序列号。 PowerShell是一个更强大的工具,上面的需求通过PowerShell也容易实现: Get-WmiObject -class win32_bios | Select-Object SerialNumber 对于远程电脑怎么办呢? 可以在PowerShell下执行下面这个命令: Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_...
SMBIOSBIOSVersion : VMW71.00V.20904234.B64.2212051115 Manufacturer : VMware, Inc. Name : VMW71.00V.20904234.B64.2212051115 SerialNumber : VMware-56 4d 4a 11 2f 30 e7 39-4f 54 85 33 fa 08 84 50 Version : INTEL - 6040000 3.列出处理器信息 命令 Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_Processor 输出 ...
I am not actually sure what the BIOSGUID is, but the number i need is BaseBoardSerialNumber or BIOSSerialNumber, since this is the unique number returned from inside the VM (and any physical box) when you run wmic bios get serialnumber from inside the OS. BaseBoardSerialNumber : 2968-7...
Function Get-SerialNumber{Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Computer)Try{$erroractionpreference="SilentlyContinue"$SerialNumber = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer {gwmi win32_bios | Select –ExpandProperty SerialNumber}}Catch{$SerialNumber = "Not found"}$CustomObject = new-object PSobject$...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management v7.4.0 C# publicstringBiosSerialNumber {get; } Property Value String Applies to 產品版本 PowerShell SDK7.2.0, 7.3.0, 7.4.0 在此文章 Definition Applies to...
Get-WmiObject –class Win32_BIOS –computername SERVER-R2 | Select-Object –property SerialNumber Get-WmiObject –class Win32_Processor –computername SERVER-R2 | Select-Object –property AddressWidth 問題是這些命令將生成三個不同的結果集。 您無法將所有結果直接通過管道傳輸到一個 CSV 檔(例如,用來...
Windows tools such as Powershell and WMIC can be used to get SMBIOS information from an Intel® NUC without having to enter the BIOS Setup. SMBIOS section Displays: System Information Information about the entire Intel NUC unit, including: Manufacturer Product name Version Serial number Board ...
Now I need to get that BIOS serial number. Some searching turns up the Win32_BIOS class, which has a SerialNumber property (Figure 2 shows a portion of the online documentation page). So I simply have to query the Win32_BIOS class, add the SerialNumber property to my custom ...
Win32_BIOS, // BIOS 芯片 Win32_ParallelPort, // 并口 Win32_SerialPort, // 串口 Win32_SerialPortConfiguration, // 串口配置 Win32_SoundDevice, // 多媒体设置,一般指声卡。 Win32_SystemSlot, // 主板插槽 (ISA & PCI & AGP) Win32_USBController, // USB 控制器 Win32_NetworkAdapter, // ...