}functionGet-LocalRootCerts{$machineRootCerts=dirCert:\LocalMachine\Root$userRootCerts=dirCert:\CurrentUser\Rootreturn$machineRootCerts+$userRootCerts|Select-Object-Unique}functionCompare-Certs{param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Array]$allRootCerts, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Array]$legitCerts)...
创建自签名根证书。 以下示例创建了名为“P2SRootCert”、会自动安装在“Certificates-Current User\Personal\Certificates”中的自签名根证书。 打开“certmgr.msc” 或“管理用户证书” ,即可查看证书。 在使用此示例之前,请进行任何所需的修改。 “NotAfter”参数是可选的。 默认情况下,如果没有此参数,证书将在 ...
创建自签名根证书。 以下示例创建了名为“P2SRootCert”、会自动安装在“Certificates-Current User\Personal\Certificates”中的自签名根证书。 打开“certmgr.msc” 或“管理用户证书” ,即可查看证书。 在使用此示例之前,请进行任何所需的修改。 “NotAfter”参数是可选的。 默认情况下,如果没有此参数,证书将在 ...
以下示例创建了名为“P2SRootCert”、会自动安装在“Certificates-Current User\Personal\Certificates”中的自签名根证书。 打开“certmgr.msc” 或“管理用户证书” ,即可查看证书。 在使用此示例之前,请进行任何所需的修改。 “NotAfter”参数是可选的。 默认情况下,如果没有此参数,证书将在 1 年后过期...
Powershell用于将证书导入到“UNTRUSTED Certificates\Certificates”位置的命令 powershell 我使用的命令对于“受信任的根证书颁发机构\证书”非常有效,它是: $file=(Get-Childitem -Path“D:/Root CA 2.cer") $file=Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\Root 当涉及需要导入到“受信任的根证书...
本文說明如何使用 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet 建立您自己的憑證。 若您打算在 Azure Stack Edge 裝置上自備憑證,可依照本文提供的指導方針操作。憑證可確保裝置與存取該裝置的用戶端之間的通訊受到信任,以及確認加密資訊能傳送至正確的伺服器。 一開始設定 Azure Stack Edge 裝置時,自我簽署憑證會自動產生。 您...
# find a suitable certificate to use as root ls Cert:\CurrentUser\My\ $root = ls Cert:\CurrentUser\My\c123a6f16a5f165161a1... # use the thumbprint of one of your certificates # create a certificate which is signed with your chosen root certificate New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName tes...
RootCAType: The type of CA that signed the certificate. Values are None (this value is found on the Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate, and also new self-signed certificates that you create), ThirdParty, Enterprise, Registry (this value is found on Exchange self-signed certificates), ...
RootCAType: The type of CA that signed the certificate. Values are None (this value is found on the Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate, and also new self-signed certificates that you create), ThirdParty, Enterprise, Registry (this value is found on Exchange self-signed certificates), ...
certificate and its private key or chain of trust in a single binary file when you also use the Password parameter. If you don't use this switch, the exported certificate file is Base64 encoded, and you'll need to export any intermediate or root certificates in the chain of trust ...