Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...
Get-Item-PathHKLM:\Software\MyCompany\sales |Get-Member 输出显示该项是Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey对象,该对象没有目标属性。 这解释了命令失败的原因。 路径参数按名称或值接受管道输入。 Output Get-Help Move-ItemProperty -Parameter Path -Path <String[]> Specifies the path to the current location of...
(Get-ItemC:\Windows).LastAccessTime Example 6: Show the contents of a registry key This example shows the contents of theMicrosoft.PowerShellregistry key. You can use this cmdlet with the PowerShell Registry provider to get registry keys and subkeys, but you must use theGet-ItemPropertycmdlet...
可以使用 Get-credential 的“凭据”或“用户名”参数来预填充用户名和域。 下面的示例使用展开技术将参数传递给 Set-RemoteRegistryValue 函数。 有关展开技术的详细信息,请参阅 about_Splatting 一文。PowerShell 复制 $remoteKeyParams = @{ ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME Path = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\...
当Get-ChildItemcmdlet 返回Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey对象(例如 PowerShell 注册表提供程序的HKLM:或HKCU:驱动器中的对象)时,此命令声明一个非终止错误。 示例2:将错误消息写入到控制台 PowerShell Write-Error"Access denied." 此命令声明一个非终止错误,并写入“拒绝访问”错误。 此命令使用Message参数指定消息,...
# 导出注册表项Export-Registry-Path"HKCU:\Software\MyApp"-LiteralPath"C:\MyAppRegistryBackup.reg"# 导入注册表项Import-Registry-Path"C:\MyAppRegistryBackup.reg" 6. 枚举子项 使用Get-ChildItem命令可以枚举指定注册表路径下的子项。 powershellCopy Code ...
Dir获取的每一个注册表键(Microsoft.Win32.Registry 对象)对应下面的属性。 > $key = Dir HKCU: | Select-Object -first 1 > $key.GetType().FullName Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey > $key | Get-Member -memberType *Property TypeName:Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey ...
PS>Import-Module-NameActiveDirectoryPS>Get-PSProvider-NameActiveDirectoryNameCapabilitiesDrives---ActiveDirectoryInclude,Exclude,Filter,ShouldProcess,Credentials{AD} Registry Value Entries As I mentioned above, a registry key can contain value entries. You can think of each value...
$registryPath = "注册表项路径" $valueName = "指定值名称" $exists = $false # 遍历注册表项 Get-ChildItem -Path $registryPath | ForEach-Object { $subKey = $_.PSChildName # 判断指定值是否存在 if (Test-Path -Path "$registryPath\$subKey") { ...
To view the contents from a PowerShell session:Get-ChildItem -Path MyDocs: Example 3: Create a temporary drive for a registry key This example creates a temporary PowerShell drive that provides access to a registry key. It creates a drive named MyCompany that is mapped to theHKLM:\Softwar...