使用Get-PublicFolderClientPermission cmdlet 可以检索公用文件夹的用户权限。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅 Exchange cmdlet 语法。语法PowerShell 复制 Get-PublicFolderClientPermission [-Identity] <PublicFolderIdParameter> [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-Server <ServerIdParameter>] [-Use...
若要查找在贵组织中运行任何 cmdlet 或参数所需的权限,请参阅 Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet。 示例 示例1 PowerShell 复制 Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\My Public Folder" -User Chris -AccessRights CreateItems -Server "My Server" 在Exchange 2010 中,...
To find the permissions required to run any cmdlet or parameter in your organization, see Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet.ExamplesExample 1PowerShell Copy Set-PublicFolder "\Customer Service Requests" -UseDatabaseReplicationSchedule $false...
The Credential parameter specifies the username and password that's used to run this command. Typically, you use this parameter in scripts or when you need to provide different credentials that have the required permissions. A value for this parameter requires the Get-Credential cmdlet. To pause ...
The Credential parameter specifies the username and password that's used to run this command. Typically, you use this parameter in scripts or when you need to provide different credentials that have the required permissions. A value for this parameter requires the Get-Credential cmdlet. To pause ...
The Credential parameter specifies the username and password that's used to run this command. Typically, you use this parameter in scripts or when you need to provide different credentials that have the required permissions. A value for this parameter requires the Get-Credential cmdlet. To pause ...
조직에서 cmdlet 또는 매개 변수를 실행하는 데 필요한 사용 권한을 확인하려면 Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet를 참조하세요. 예제 예 1 PowerShell 복사 Get-MailPublicFolder -ResultSize 100 | Format...
您必须先获得权限,然后才能运行此 cmdlet。 虽然本主题中列出了此 cmdlet 的所有参数,但如果这些参数并未包含在分配给您的权限中,那么您将无法使用这些参数。 若要查找在贵组织中运行任何 cmdlet 或参数所需的权限,请参阅Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet。
Commands.PowerShellGet { public static class Telemetry { public static void TraceMessageArtifactsNotFound(string[] artifactsNotFound, string operationName) { Microsoft.PowerShell.Telemetry.Internal.TelemetryAPI.TraceMessage(operationName, new { ArtifactsNotFound = artifactsNotFound }); } public static ...
gp 获取文件或目录的属性 Get-ItemProperty ii 使用对应的默认windows程序运行文件或者目录 Invoke-Item — 连接两个路径为一个路径 Join-Path mi, mv, move 移动文件或者目录 Move-Item ni 创建新文件或者目录 New-Item ri, rm, rmdir,del, erase, rd 删除空目录或者文件 Remove-Item rni, ren 重命名文件或...