例如,您可以執行下列命令,以顯示 powershell.exe 的上述屬性值,其中 $pid 包含 Windows PowerShell 執行中工作階段的處理序識別碼:Get-Process -Id $pid -FileVersionInfo | Format-List *version* -Force 新的Enter-PSHostProcess 與 Exit-PSHostProcess Cmdlet 可讓您將處理程序中的 Windows PowerShell 指令...
例如,可以运行下面的命令来显示 powershell.exe 的这些属性值,其中 $pid 包含正在运行的 Windows PowerShell 会话的进程 ID:Get-Process -Id $pid -FileVersionInfo | Format-List *version* -Force 新的Enter-PSHostProcess 和 Exit-PSHostProcess cmdlet 使你能够在独立于正在 Windows PowerShell...
The cmdlet “Get-Process” in PowerShell is responsible for getting the processes running on the local computer as well as operating on the remote computers. Any specific process can be retrieved by its process ID (PID) or by its name. An object can be passed through a pipeline to this c...
对于在管道中的多个阶段运行的 cmdlet 和高级函数,例如,在 process 和end 块中,在任何点分别调用 this.WriteError() 或$PSCmdlet.WriteError()会将$? 设置为 False,this.ThrowTerminatingError() 和$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError() 也一样。Write-Error cmdlet 始终在执行后立即将 $? 设置为 False,但不会...
Id– The process ID (PID) of the process. SI– Session Identifier of the running process. Session0indicates the process is available for all users,1indicates the process exists under the first logged in user, and so on. ProcessName– The name of the running process. ...
To find the PID of a process, type Get-Process. Expand table Type: Int32[] Aliases: PID, ProcessId Position: 0 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False-InputObjectSpecifies the processes by submitting process objects. Enter a variable ...
Specifies the process IDs of the processes to be debugged. TheIdparameter name is optional. To find the process ID of a process, typeGet-Process. Type:Int32[] Aliases:PID, ProcessId Position:0 Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:True ...
得知处理进程的命令有这些 然后再用Get-Help Get-Process -full就能得到Get-Process的详细用法以及使用范例 基本语法 背景 PowerShell是一个强类型(变量一旦定义,其本身类型不可改变就是强类型,反之就是弱类型)的动态脚本语言,支持面向对象,支持调用系统API和.NET库。 受到了Python,Ksh,Perl,C#,CL,DCL,SQL,Tcl,Tk...
#!/bin/bash read -p "输入要查询的PID: " P #筛选第二列等于输入的PID号 n=`ps aux | ...