Using Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet Using nslookup Command Using [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress Method Using Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet To retrieve the hostname from the given IP address in PowerShell, use the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet with -Type and PTR parameters. Use Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet 1 2 3 ...
PowerShell 包括 NETTCPIP 模块,该模块由特定于 TCP/IP 的 cmdlet 组成,这些 cmdlet 用于管理 Windows 服务器和设备的网络设置。 可以使用 NETTCPIP cmdlet 来添加、移除、更改和验证 IP 地址设置。 IP 地址管理 cmdlet 在其名称中使用名词“NetIPAddress”。 还可以将 ...
PS> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(““) IPAddressToString : Address : 1286423759 AddressFamily : InterNetwork ScopeId : IsIPv6Multicast : False IsIPv6LinkLocal : False IsIPv6SiteLocal : False If you want to go from address to name: PS>[System.Net.Dns]::Ge...
使用New-AzPublicIpAddress,在QuickStartCreateIP-rg中建立名為myStandardPublicIP的標準區域備援公用 IPv4 位址。 若要建立 IPv6 位址,請將--IpAddressVersion參數修改為IPv6。 Azure PowerShell $ip= @{ Name ='myStandardPublicIP'ResourceGroupName ='QuickStartCreateIP-rg'Location ='eastus2'Sku ='Standard...
IPv6 地址 若要创建 IPv4 公共 IP 地址,请在-IpAddressVersion参数中输入“IPv4”。 Azure PowerShell $pf=@{ Name ='myPublicIpPrefix'ResourceGroupName ='QuickStartCreateIPPrefix-rg'}$prefix=Get-AzPublicIpPrefix@pf$ipv4=@{ Name ='myPublicIpAddress'ResourceGroupName ='QuickStartCreateIPPrefix-rg'Lo...
IP是英文Internet Protocol的缩写,意思是“网络之间互连的协议”,也就是为计算机网络相互连接进行通信而...
Change computer name using partial serial number Change Computer Name without Domain Admin prompt? Change default gateway using *netipaddress* cmdlet Change display languages for login screen and all users. Change domain using powershell Change E-Mail attribute on AD user general tab Change encoding...
Since we’re already specifying the class name for theClassNameparameter argument inGet-CimInstance, we need to specifyIPEnabled = 'True'for theFilter. This will return only the network adapter with the IP address. Get-CimInstance -CimSession $cimSession -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -...
Along with the Public IP address, you can even get more details about the Internet Service Provider as well. In order to know the way to find it, follow the below steps: In the open PowerShell windows, type the following command – ...
Get-NetIPAddress <codeclass="language-powershell"lang="powershell">-AddressFamily IPV4 That's it; as soon as you type in this command, the PowerShell will give you the IPv4 addresses of all network adapters of your Windows system. As you can see below, you will get your PC's IP addre...