Get-ChildItem$PSHOME\pwsh.exe |Format-List-Property* Output复制 PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7 PSChildName : pwsh.exe PSDrive : C PSProvider : Microsoft...
方法是可以对对象执行的操作。使用 MemberType参数缩小以仅显示方法Get-Service的结果Get-Member范围。 PowerShell Get-Service-Namew32time |Get-Member-MemberTypeMethod 如你所看到的,有多种方法。 Output TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- Close Method vo...
"Scope [4] (parent) `$funcAVar1 = '$(Get-Variable funcAVar1 -Scope 4 -ValueOnly)'" } funcA # End of ScopeExample.ps1 PS> .\ScopeExample.ps1 输出显示每个作用域中变量的值。 可以看到,专用变量仅在创建它的作用域中 funcB可见。
PS C:\token> $p = Get-NtProcess -Name TrustedInstaller.exe PS C:\token> $proc = New-Win32Process cmd.exe -CreationFlags NewConsole -ParentProcess $p命令执行完成之后 系统会打开命令提示符, 该命令提示符具有 Trustedinstaller 权限,可以直接修改系统文件。通过以下命令可以进行测试:...
References allow the value of a variable in the parent scope to be changed within a child scope. PowerShell # Create a value type variable.$i=0# Create a reference type variable.$iRef= [ref]0# Invoke a scriptblock to attempt to change both values.&{$i++;$iRef.Value++}# Output the...
How to get parent process id? How to get powershell script to send email with attached file How to get PowerShell to see a version number is greater than another? How to Get Processor and RAM usage of Remote Computer how to get registry key values for trusted sites How to get row coun...
TheDirectoryInfoobject in PowerShell has aParentproperty, which denotes the parent directory’s path. The following command returns the parent directory of a pathC:\New\complex. (Get-Item'C:\New\complex').Parent.FullName Output: You can use the below command to get the parent’s parent dire...
Get-Process -Id 6 -ErrorVariable a The following command adds any error messages to the $a variable: PowerShell Copy Get-Process -Id 2 -ErrorVariable +a The following command displays the contents of $a: PowerShell Copy $a You can use this parameter to create a variable that con...
PS C:\> Get-Process | Sort-Object ID Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName --- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- 0 0 60 8 0 0 Idle 3038 0 208 4760 4 0 System 0 12 7732 81344 88 0 Registry 53 3 1160 752 368 0 smss 256 ...
.Diagnostics.Process Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- MachineName Property string MachineName {get;} TypeName: System.Service.ServiceController#StartupType Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- MachineName Property string MachineName {get;set;}结果显示,只有进程对象和服务对象具有 MachineNa...