Get-Package-Source<string> [-ListAvailable] [-Updates] [-ProjectName <string>] [-Filter <string>] [-First <int>] [-Skip <int>] [-AllVersions] [-IncludePrerelease] [-PageSize] [<CommonParameters>] 如果没有参数,Get-Package则显示默认项目中已安装包的列表。
PackageManagement Returns a list of all software packages that were installed withPackageManagement. Syntax PowerShell Get-Package[[-Name] <String[]>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-AllVersions] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap] [-ProviderName <St...
PackageManagement Gets a list of package sources that are registered for a package provider. Syntax powershell Get-PackageSource[[-Name] <String>] [-Location <String>] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap] [-ProviderName <String[]>] [-ConfigFile <String>] [-SkipValidate] [<CommonParameters>] ...
->Where-ObjectAliasac -> Add-ContentAliasAdd-AppProvisionedPackage3.0DismAliasAdd-ProvisionedAppPackage3.0Dism Get-Alias 别名显示出别名的详细信息 Get-Aliascat|flDisplayName :cat->Get-ContentCommandType : Alias Definition :Get-ContentReferencedCommand :Get-ContentResolvedCommand :Get-Content Powershell P...
Get-WmiObject是 PowerShell 中用于检索 Windows 管理信息 (WMI) 对象的命令。 2. 基本语法 Get-WmiObject -Class ClassName -Class参数指定要检索的 WMI 类别的名称。 3. 常见用法 3.1 获取系统信息 使用-Class Win32_OperatingSystem获取操作系统信息。
比如: 熟悉 PowerShell 别名后就很容易猜到 sal 别名指的是 Set-Alias , 又比如gcm等同于Get-Command PS 支持几种其他类型的命令: 别名: Alias 功能: Function 脚本: Script 命令: Cmdlet Tips : PowerShell 命令是一个通用术语,通常用于指代 PowerShell 中任何类型的命令,不管是 cmdlet、函数还是别名。
# Download the Microsoft repositoryGPGkeys wget # Register the Microsoft repositoryGPGkeys sudo dpkg-i packages-microsoft-prod.deb # Update the listofproducts sudo apt-getupdate # Install PowerShell sudo apt-getinstall-y ...
PowerShellGet module is also integrated with the PackageManagement module as a provider, users can also use the PackageManagement cmdlets for discovering, installing and updating the PowerShell artifacts like Modules and Scripts. Build status
PowerShellGet 2.x Wyszukaj Omówienie Zarządzanie pakietami programu PowerShell Galeria programu PowerShell Dokumentacja PackageManagement Polecenia Find-Package Find-PackageProvider Get-Package Get-PackageProvider Get-PackageSource Import-PackageProvider ...
第一个命令使用 Get-Module cmdlet 获取 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 模块。该命令通过管道将模块对象传递给 Update-TypeData cmdlet,该 cmdlet 更新 System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo 类型的类型数据及其派生的类型,例如在命令中使用 ListAvailable 参数时返回的 ModuleInfoGrouping 类型Get-Module。