Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_LogicalDisk-Filter"DriveType=3" Output DeviceID DriveType ProviderName VolumeName Size FreeSpace PSComputerName --- --- --- --- --- --- --- C: 3 Local Disk 203912880128 65541357568 . Q: 3 New Volume 122934034432 44298250240 . PowerShell Get-CimInstance-ClassName...
In this tutorial, we will look at a few PowerShell commands we can use to get the computer name in the Windows operating system. One command is thehostname. Another one isGet-ComputerInfo. On any Windows operating system, you can run thehostnamecommand to find the computer name: hostname...
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=ADPRO Computers,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com" This command will get all computers from a specific OU by using the -SearchBase parameter and the distinguishedName of the OU. 4. Get All Computers and Show Specific Properties Get-ADComputer -Fil...
$ipaddr='<Nano Server IP address>'$credential=Get-Credential# <An Administrator account on the system>$zipfile='PowerShell-7.5.0-win-x64.zip'# Connect to the built-in instance of Windows PowerShell$session=New-PSSession-ComputerName$ipaddr-Credential$credential# Copy the file to the Nano ...
Back before the days of PowerShell, the only Windows command interpreter we had was good ol’cmd .exe. Back then, we didn’t need no stinkin’ PowerShell to get a computer name; we had thehostnamecommand! Thehostnamecommand couldn’t be any simpler. Open up a PowerShell (or even cmd...
powershell_execute'Test-NetConnection-ComputerName192.168.171.21-Port80|Select-Object-PropertyRemotePort,TcpTestSucceeded' 利用上面的命令能得到正确结果,但是需要的时间有点长,因为Test-NetConnection在发送 TCP 端口测试之前会发送大量流量来验证主机是否已启动,从而产生大量开销,导致需要大量的时间。所以下面我们直接...
PS>$j=Invoke-Command-ComputerNamelocalhost, Server01, Server02 ` -Command {Get-Date}-AsJob 在中显示作业的 Name 和$j属性时,它显示该命令返回了一个作业对象,其中包含三个子作业,每台计算机各一个。 PowerShell PS>$j|Format-ListName, ChildJobs Name : Job3 ChildJobs : {Job4, Job5, Job6} ...
此命令使用 Get-Credential cmdlet 的 Message 和UserName 参数。 此命令格式旨在用于共享的脚本和函数。 在此示例中,消息将告知用户为何需要凭据,并使他们能够确信此请求是合法的。示例6PowerShell 复制 Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server01 {Get-Credential Domain01\User02} PowerShell Credential Request : ...
For example, the following command changes the file name extensions of all .txt files to .log: PowerShell Copy Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.name -replace '\.txt$','.log' } By default, the -replace operator is case-insensitive. To make it case sensitive,...