Example 3: Sort processes by memory usage This example displays processes with the highest memory usage based on their working set (WS) size. PowerShell Get-Process|Sort-Object-PropertyWS |Select-Object-Last5NPM(K) PM(M) WS(M) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName --- --- --- --- -- -- ...
TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- Handles AliasProperty Handles = Handlecount Name AliasProperty Name = ProcessName NPM AliasProperty NPM = NonpagedSystemMemorySize ... 注意 Get-Member 會排除重複專案,因此如果物件全都是相同的類型,它只會顯...
Get-ChildItem-PathFunction:\Get-*Version If the functions were loaded as part of a module, you can unload the module to remove them. PowerShell Remove-Module-Name<ModuleName> TheRemove-Modulecmdlet removes PowerShell modules from memory in your current PowerShell session. It doesn't remove the...
How to get Memory Committed Bytes per process? how to get multiple IP address's on remote servers How to get network address and subnet mask lenght with PowerShell? How to get only specific line from windows event message. How to get parent container path of the AD user object? How to ...
GetUserInDomain 获取关联用户账户和 Windows NT 域 GetNTLogEvent 获取Windows事件 GetNTEventLogFile 获取存储在Windows事件日志中的数据 GetDiskPartition 获取运行Windows的计算机系统上物理磁盘分区区域的功能和管理容量 GetDiskUsage 获取所有分区使用情况 GetLogicalProgramGroup 获取运行Windows的计算机系统中的程序组 ...
The EWSFindCountLimit parameter specifies the maximum result size of FindItem or FindFolder calls that can exist in memory on the Client Access server at the same time for this user in this current process. If an attempt is made to find more items or folders than your policy limit allows,...
如果增加该值,则长时间运行的命令可以在运行时不引发 OutOfMemory 异常错误。显示配置选项和示例输出的值的命令如下所示。 winrm get winrm/config/winrs 复制 Winrs AllowRemoteShellAccess = true IdleTimeout = 180000 MaxConcurrentUsers = 5 MaxShellRunTime = 2147483647 MaxProcessesPerShell = 15 ...
如果增加该值,则长时间运行的命令可以在运行时不引发 OutOfMemory 异常错误。显示配置选项和示例输出的值的命令如下所示。 winrm get winrm/config/winrs 复制 Winrs AllowRemoteShellAccess = true IdleTimeout = 180000 MaxConcurrentUsers = 5 MaxShellRunTime = 2147483647 MaxProcessesPerShell = 15 ...
增加此值可讓執行時間長的命令順利執行,而不會發生 OutOfMemory 例外狀況錯誤。用來顯示設定選項值及範例輸出的命令如這裡所示。 winrm get winrm/config/winrs 複製 Winrs AllowRemoteShellAccess = true IdleTimeout = 180000 MaxConcurrentUsers = 5 MaxShellRunTime = 2147483647 MaxProcessesPerShell = 15 ...
The most important points to enforce PowerShell Security is to use the newest Versions (OS and PowerShell), use whitelisting and enforcing the usage of the ConstrainedLanguageMode and establish a good rights structure with frequent centralized logging and validate all the new features coming with ...