Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership显示对象的组成员身份 Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership从对象中移除组成员身份 创建新组 可使用 New-ADGroup cmdlet 来创建组。 使用 New-ADGroup cmdlet 创建组时,除了组名称之外,还必须使用 -GroupScope 参数。 此参数是唯一必需的参数。
How to get the AD user group membership details at once How to get the caller Function Name in the called function in PS? How to get the computers that a user is allowed to logon on AD with PowerShell How to Get the local Group Members list with nested users (until last one) using...
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(Import-Csv-Path"C:\Temp\Groups\testgroups.csv").GroupName|ForEach-Object{Get-AzureADGroup-Filter"displayName eq '$_'"}|ForEach-Object{$Group=$_;$Group|Get-AzureADGroupMember|Select-Object@{n="GroupName";e ={$Group.DisplayName;}},ObjectId,UserPrincipalName,DisplayName;} And here...
$OrgUnit = 'OU=VPN,DC=milkyway,DC=local' # Get Active Directory groups from a specific Organizational Unit $AD_Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $OrgUnit # Search through AD_Groups variable and get AD group name and member user name ...
Get-CommandCore Resolve-DnsNameDnsClient Get-LocalGroupLocalAccounts Get-LocalGroupMemberLocalAccounts Get-LocalUserLocalAccounts Get-ItemPropertyManagement Invoke-WmiMethodManagement Remove-ItemManagement Copy-ItemManagement Get-ContentManagement Get-ChildItemManagement ...
The good thing about using the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet is you do not have to type the entire distinguished name of the group as was done in the two previous scripts. After you have the group membership, you can sort by using the Sort-Object cmdlet, and even create a nice table with ...
Add-CMSoftwareUpdateToGroup Add-CMStateMigrationPoint Add-CMTaskSequenceDeploymentType Add-CMTaskSequenceStep Add-CMUserAffinityToDevice Add-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule Add-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule Add-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule Add-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule Add-CMWebApplic...
Add-CMSecurityScopeToAdministrativeUser Add-CMServiceConnectionPoint Add-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint Add-CMSoftwareUpdateToGroup Add-CMStateMigrationPoint Add-CMTaskSequenceDeploymentType Add-CMTaskSequenceStep Add-CMUserAffinityToDevice Add-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule Add-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule Ad...
Demoting the last domain controller in a domain requires Enterprise Admins group membership, as this removes the domain itself (if the last domain in the forest, this removes the forest). Server Manager informs you if the current domain controller is the last domain controller in the domain. ...