The environment variable “$Env” can be utilized to get/retrieve the localhost name. For this purpose, mention the “COMPUTERNAME” in the given command as follows: >$Env:COMPUTERNAME Method 4: Getting the Localhost Name in PowerShell Using “[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()” Command The...
$Cmd = "winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS @{Hostname=""$env:COMPUTERNAME ""; CertificateThumbprint=""$Thumbprint""}" cmd.exe /C $Cmd 在门户中创建 PowerShell 函数应用 应用服务混合连接功能只能在“基本”、“标准”和“隔离”定价计划中使用。 使用 PowerShell 创建函...
Get-WinEvent和New-WinEvent可在 Windows 上取得和建立事件。 使用Windows Presentation Framework 的 Cmdlet (WPF) .NET Core 3.1 新增了 WPF 的支援,因此 PowerShell 7.0 版本還原了下列 Windows 特定功能: CmdletShow-Command CmdletOut-GridView 的ShowWindow參數Get-Help PowerShell Desired 狀態設定 (D...
HKLM: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) You can actually navigate the Windows Registry using filesystem commands like cd (Set-Location cmdlet) and dir (Get-ChildItem). The SQLSERVER: Drive SQL Server 2008 adds its own PSDrive for the environment in the form of the SQLSERVER: drive. (For detailed steps ...
How to remove default IPv6 DNS IP ::1 for Local host How to remove folder structure from zip How to remove Group policy permission with Powershell How to remove newline / carriage returns when outputting active directory username + properties. How to remove or disable 3d paint from windows ...
the computer must be configured for HTTPS transport or the IP address of the remote computer must be included in the WinRM TrustedHosts list on the local computer. For instructions for adding a computer name to the TrustedHosts list, see "How to Add a Computer to the Trusted Host List" in...
Get-Variable-Scopelocal Per creare una variabile in un determinato ambito, usare un modificatore di ambito o ilparametro ScopediSet-Variable. Il comando seguente crea una variabile nell'ambito globale: PowerShell New-Variable-Scopeglobal-Namea-Value"One" ...
$version = Invoke-Command -ComputerName (Get-Content Machines.txt) -ScriptBlock { (Get-Host).Version }由于仅运行一个命令,因此无需创建与每台计算机的持久连接。 而是由此命令使用 ComputerName 参数来指示计算机。 若要指定计算机,它使用 Get-Content cmdlet 获取 Machine.txt 文件(计算机名文件)的内容。Inv...
可输入 Get-Host 或者 $PSVersionTable 查看 PowerShell 版本: PS C:\Users\teamssix> Get-Host Name : ConsoleHost Version : 5.1.18362.1171 InstanceId : a0a6f8f2-f86a-477f-bf4b-b94b452bee3c UI : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface ...
其中,`username`是Linux服务器的用户名,`hostname`是Linux服务器的主机名或IP地址。例如: “` sshjohn@ “` 当你执行上述命令后,PowerShell会提示你输入密码。输入正确的密码后,你就可以成功连接到Linux服务器了。 连接到Linux服务器后,你可以在PowerShell中执行Linux命令。例如,你可以使用`ls`来列出...