get the list of users, list of printers, and to read the reporting data.Connect-MgGraph-Scopes"Reports.Read.All"### GET PRINTER REPORT###if(!$UserOnly) {Write-Progress-Activity"Gathering Printer usage..."-PercentComplete-1# Get the printer usage report$printerReport=Get-MgReportMonthlyPrintU...
Can someone help me with a Powershell script that helps in fetching the list of all the site collection administrators as well as the corresponding Site URL .I tried the below mentioned two approach but they didn't give the desired results . Approach 1 :This one will gi...
$sites = Get-SPOSite -Limit All $sites | select url,owner Approach 2 :I wrote this one to get the list of all the admins for the all the site collections and it doesn’t give me the expected results . $Creds = Get-Credential $site = ‘https://tenant-admin.s...
Get-MigrationBatch -Identity IMAPBatch1 | Format-List Status 步驟5:將您的電子郵件路由傳送至 Microsoft 365電子郵件系統使用稱為 MX 記錄的 DNS 記錄來找出要將電子郵件傳遞到哪裡。 在電子郵件移轉過程中,您的 MX 記錄指向來源電子郵件系統。 現在電子郵件移轉至 Microsoft 365 已完成,現在...
Get-Service-Namew32time |Select-Object-Property* 根據預設,PowerShell 會以數據表傳回四個屬性,並以五個以上的屬性作為清單。 不過,某些命令會套用自定義格式設定,以覆寫數據表中顯示的預設屬性數目。 您可以使用Format-Table和Format-List手動覆寫這些預設值。
functionGet-MrPSVersion{$PSVersionTable} 运行脚本时,不会发生任何事情。 PowerShell .\Get-MrPSVersion.ps1 如果尝试调用函数,则会生成错误消息。 PowerShell Get-MrPSVersion Output Get-MrPSVersion : The term 'Get-MrPSVersion' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or...
BiosListOfLanguages: 支持的语言列表 BiosManufacturer: BIOS 制造商 BiosName: BIOS 名称 BiosOtherTargetOS: 其他目标操作系统 BiosPrimaryBIOS: 主 BIOS BiosReleaseDate: BIOS 发布日期 BiosSerialNumber: BIOS 序列号 BiosSMBIOSBIOSVersion: SMBIOS BIOS 版本 ...
# 1. Import the user data from CSV $UserList = Import-Csv -Path c:\test\Users.csv; # 2. For each user ... foreach ($User in $UserList) { # 2a. Get the user's AD account $Account = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter ('(&(displayname={0}))' -f $User.DisplayN...