functionGet-MrAutoStoppedService{<#.SYNOPSISReturns a list of services that are set to start automatically, are not currently running, excluding the services that are set to delayed start..DESCRIPTIONGet-MrAutoStoppedService is a function that returns a list of services from the specified remote ...
In a text-based shell, suppose that you want to obtain a list of all the services that have been started. You might run a command to produce a text list of the services, with a different row for each service. Each row might contain the name of a service and some properties of...
Get-Process winlogon | Format-List -Property * 还可以通过管道将本机命令的输出传递给 PowerShell cmdlet。 例如: PowerShell 复制 PS> ipconfig.exe | Select-String -Pattern 'IPv4' IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 192.168...
Filter out Get-WmiObject Win32_service for a list of services Filter scheduled tasks for ones whose action properties contain file names from a file Filter Win32_GroupUser Class > Invalid Query Filtering an Array of Objects filtering event logs with specific date range Filtering files by date (...
Windows PowerShell 中的权限管理由两个 cmdlet 派生而来:Get-ACL 和 Set-ACL。如您所料,Get-ACL 从资源中检索 ACL。然后您就可以根据需要修改 ACL 并使用 Set-ACL 将其写回到资源中。这两个 cmdlet 都是通用 cmdlet,而且都依赖于 PSDrive 提供程序的 Windows PowerShell 系统。因此从理论上说,只要 PSDrive ...
For example, to get all the properties of the Function: drive, type: PowerShell Copy Get-PSDrive Function | Format-List * You can view and move through the data in a provider drive just as you would on a file system drive. To view the contents of a provider drive, use the Get-...
Get-SPOAppErrors Returns application errors. Get-SPOAppInfo Returns all installed applications. Get-SPOApplication Returns a list of SharePoint Embedded applications in the specified tenant. Get-SPOBrowserIdleSignOut Used to retrieve the current configuration values for Idle session sign-out policy....
当输入是一个 GET 请求且正文是 IDictionary(通常是哈希表)时,会将正文作为查询参数添加到 URI 中。 对于其他请求类型(如 PATCH),正文将以标准的 name=value 格式设置为请求正文的值并进行 URL 编码。 当输入是 System.Xml.XmlNode 对象,并且 XML 声明指定编码时,除非由 ContentType 参数重写,否则该编码将用于...
Get-HelpThe online version of PowerShell Get-Help documentation contains the list of all cmdlets and some usage examples.Blog PostsI have also published a series of articles about the DSInternals module on my blog. Here are a few of them:...
当输入是一个 GET 请求且正文是 IDictionary(通常是哈希表)时,会将正文作为查询参数添加到 URI 中。 对于其他请求类型(如 PATCH),正文将以标准的 name=value 格式设置为请求正文的值并进行 URL 编码。 当输入是 System.Xml.XmlNode 对象,并且 XML 声明指定编码时,除非由 ContentType 参数重写,否则该编码将用于...