functionGet-Version{$PSVersionTable.PSVersion } 以下示例中的函数是一个返回 PowerShell 版本的简单示例。 PowerShell Get-Version Output Major Minor Build Revision --- --- --- --- 5 1 14393 693 在为函数使用通用名称(如Get-Version)时,可能会导致命名冲突。 未来添加的默认命令或其他人可能编写的命...
The following function queries all commands on your system and returns the number with specific parameter names. PowerShell functionGet-MrParameterCount{param( [string[]]$ParameterName)foreach($Parameterin$ParameterName) {$Results=Get-Command-ParameterName$Parameter-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue [pscustomobj...
{} UnboundArguments : {} ScriptLineNumber :5OffsetInLine :5ScriptName : C:\blog\throwerror.ps1 Line :Get-ResourcePositionMessage : At C:\blog\throwerror.ps1:5char:5+Get-Resource+ ~~~ PSScriptRoot : C:\blog PSCommandPath : C:\blog\throwerror.ps1 InvocationName :Get-Resource 此處的...
Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest ...
If we run this script the value5will be displayed onscreen; however, if we later display the value of the variable $a we’ll get this: 5.136 If you want to change the actual value of $a you’ll need to assign the formatted number to a variable (like, say, $a): ...
ScriptLineNumber : 26 OffsetInLine : 1 HistoryId : -1 ScriptName : D:\home\site\wwwroot\HttpTrigger1\run.ps1 Line : $subs = Get-Azsubscription -TenantId $tenantID -DefaultProfile $cxt PositionMessage : At D:\home\site\wwwroot\HttpTrigger1\run.ps1:26 char:1 + $subs = Get-Azsubscript...
($token.Kind-ne'Function') {continue}$position=$token.Extent.StartLineNumberdo{if(-not$foreach.MoveNext()) {breaktokenLoop }$token=$foreach.Current }until($token.Kind-in@('Generic','Identifier'))$functionPosition= [pscustomobject]@{ Name =$token.Text LineNumber =$positionPath =$item....
ModuleName Property System.String ModuleName {get;} Name Property System.String Name {get;} Options Property System.Management.Automation. ScopedItemOptions Options {get;set;} Parameters Property System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Cu... ParameterSets ...
That’s a good point: weshouldbriefly explain command number 2, shouldn’t we? As you recall, our original command 2 looked like this: Get-Process | Format-Table $a The truth is, there really isn’t that much to explain; all we’re doing here is using the Get-Process cmdlet to ret...
[Server01]: PS C:\> [Server01]: PS C:\>Get-ProcessPowerShell > C:\ps-test\Process.txt [Server01]: PS C:\>exitPS C:\> PS C:\> dir C:\ps-test\Process.txtGet-ChildItem: Cannot find path'C:\ps-test\Process.txt'because it does not exist. At line:1char:4+ dir <<< c:...