如果在不使用 -All 参数的情况下使用 Get-MgUser cmdlet,则仅返回前 100 个帐户。将许可证分配给用户帐户若要向用户分配许可证,请在 PowerShell 中使用以下命令。PowerShell 复制 Set-MgUserLicense -UserId $userUPN -AddLicenses @{SkuId = "<SkuId>"} -RemoveLicenses @() 此示例将SPE_E5 (Micros...
如果您使用Get-MgUserCmdlet 而不使用-All參數,則只會傳回前 100 個帳戶。 將授權指派給用戶帳戶 若要將授權指派給使用者,請在PowerShell中使用下列命令。 PowerShell Set-MgUserLicense-UserId$userUPN-AddLicenses@{SkuId ="<SkuId>"}-RemoveLicenses@() ...
To make the configuration you run the script called SetupScript.ps1.This script does also create the required folder structure and it turns the two template script files (AssignLicense.tmp, Get-MSOLUserLicensingReport.tmp) into actual PowerShell scripts....
Write-Host $audituser -foregroundcolor cyan # Get licenses already assigned to that users. # Checking to see if they already have a Power BI Pro license assigned. $Licenses = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $audituser | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Licenses | Where-Object {$_...
normally seen when editing users in Office 365 is not showing for guest users. And for PWA the guest user needs a license before they can see or do anything in Project Online. Hopefully this is temporary – but always good to know how to use PowerShell to do ...
View licenses assigned to a user To view the licenses assigned to a user, run the following command: PowerShell 复制 Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.Read.All' $userLicenses = Get-EntraUserLicenseDetail -UserId 'GjeEdla@Contoso.com' $userLicenses Output 复制 Id SkuId SkuPartNumber -- --...
Get-MailboxStatistics Get-MailboxUserConfiguration Get-MessageCategory Get-PendingDelicenseUser Get-Place Get-RecipientPermission Get-RecoverableItems Get-ResourceConfig Get-SweepRule Get-UserPhoto Import-RecipientDataProperty New-App New-InboxRule New-Mailbox ...
metadata=aad2aadsync|ISV9.1|primary|z Id : <ServicePrincipalId> Info : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphInformationalUrl KeyCredentials : {} LicenseDetails : ... 初始化服務主體識別碼的變數。 請務必使用服務主體識別碼,而不是應用程式識別碼。 PowerShell 複製...
PS C:\> $user = "alonso@MOD873457.onmicrosoft.com" PS C:\> Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $user -AddLicenses $lic1 Here’s the very unpleasant response that PowerShell gave me: Set-MsolUserLicense : Unable to assign this license because it is invalid. Use the Get-MsolAccount...
SubscribedSku | Where-Object -Property SkuPartNumber -Value "ENTERPRISEPACK" -EQ).SkuID $licenses.AddLicenses = $license Get-AzureAdUser -All $true | foreach {if (($_.AssignedLicenses).SkuID -contains $license.SkuID) {Set-AzureAdUserLicense -ObjectID $_.UserPrincipalName -AssignedLicenses...