在PowerShell 中exit,語句會設定變數的值$LASTEXITCODE。 在 Windows 命令殼層 (cmd.exe) 中,exit 語句會設定環境變數的值%ERRORLEVEL%。 非數值或平臺特定範圍以外的任何自變數會轉譯為的值0。 腳本範圍和點來源 每個腳本都會在其自己的範圍內執行。 腳本中建立的函式、變數、別名和磁碟驅動器只存在於腳本範圍中...
PowerShell 复制 [int].IsPrimitive # $true [Object[]].FullName # "System.Object[]" [int[,,]].GetArrayRank() # 3 专用于保存字符串的泛型堆栈类型(§4.4)可以编写为 [Stack[string]],专用于保存具有关联字符串值的 int 键的泛型字典类型可能编写为 [Dictionary[int,string]]。
Accept wildcard characters:False Applies to:Microsoft Teams Inputs Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.TenantObject or String TheGet-CsTenantcmdlet accepts pipelined instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.TenantObject object as well as string values representing the Identity of ...
(*) wildcard to search all files in the current directory with the file name extension.txt. ThePatternparameter specifies the text to matchGet-.Select-Stringdisplays the output in the PowerShell console. The file name and line number precede each line of content that contains a match for ...
Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019-IdentityThe Identity parameter specifies the message. Valid input for this...
Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False Applies to:Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection -DlpPolicy The DlpPolicy parameter filters the report by the name of the data loss prevention (DLP) policy. You can specify...
Accept wildcard characters:False -AsJob Causes the parallel invocation to run as a PowerShell job. A single job object is returned instead of output from the running script blocks. The job object contains child jobs for each parallel script block that runs. You can use the job object with ...
$servers[0,5,7] N r e The length of the string matches the file size. If you attempt to select an element from the array, then you'll get individual characters as shown. Some other parameters of interest include the following:
LastName Alias Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False Applies to:Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Online ...
The question a lot of PowerShell newbies ask is: ‘Why is “FALSE” TRUE?” In PowerShell, Strings can be evaluated as Booleans. If a string is ZERO length – it is false, otherwise it is TRUE. “FALSE” has 5 characters so it is TRUE. ...