Using Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet Using nslookup Command Using [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress Method Using Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet To retrieve the hostname from the given IP address in PowerShell, use the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet with -Type and PTR parameters. Use Resolve-DnsName Cmdlet 1 2 3 ...
1.ipconfig|find"IPv4" 1. 2.hostname 1. 3.systeminfo|find"主机名:" 1. 默认很多人总是习惯用DOS命令查询,其实Powershell实现起来也是很简单的。如下: Powershell查询IP地址及主机名信息: 1.foreach($ipv4 in (ipconfig) -like '*IPv4*') { ($ipv4 -split ' : ')[-1]} 1. 2.Get-WMIObject ...
PowerShell Script that will get Hostname and MAC Address from a list of IP address If you're doing it from the same VLAN as the hosts, arp is your friend :) 1Get-Content MyListOfIPs.txt |2Where-Object{ Test-Connection$_ -Count2-Quiet } |3Select-O...
Wei Wu provided a nice one liner in response to a query in our NewsGroup: Microsoft.Public.Windows.PowerShell about how to resolve a hostname into an IP Address: PS> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(““) IPAddressToString : Address : 1286423759 AddressFamily :...
Get-ADComputer-Filter*-Property Name 这些命令应当帮助您有效管理域和计算机帐户。 对每个领域的一些详细 PowerShell 命令和技巧: 域管理 加入域并指定组织单位(OU): powershellCopy Code Add-Computer-DomainName ""-OUPath "OU=Computers,DC=yourdomain,DC=com"-Credential "yourdomain\username"-...
最後,使用 New-AzPublicIpAddress 建立公用 IP 位址。 這些資源可用來為應用程式閘道及其相關聯的資源提供網路連線。Azure PowerShell 複製 開啟Cloud Shell $backendSubnetConfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig ` -Name myBackendSubnet ` -AddressPrefix $agSubnetConfig = New-AzVirtualNetwork...
Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an image as an ov...
Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <IP Address> 例如:PowerShell 複製 Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value 若要將電腦新增至 遠端電腦的 TrustedHosts 清單,請使用 Connect-WSMan 連線來 WSMan: 驅動遠端電腦 Set-Item 以新增電腦。如...
$ipv4= (Test-Connection-ComputerName (hostname) -Count1|Select-ExpandProperty IPv4Address).IPAddressToString$ipv4 如果你有任何虚拟适配器,它会返回虚拟适配器的 IPv4 地址(例如 VPN、Hyper-V、Docker)。 输出: 你也可以使用此命令返回与上述相同的输出。
the computer must be configured for HTTPS transport or the IP address of the remote computer must be included in the WinRM TrustedHosts list on the local computer. For instructions for adding a computer name to the TrustedHosts list, see "How to Add a Computer to the Trusted Host List" in...