Get-Historyh取得命令歷程記錄。 Invoke-Historyr在命令歷程記錄中執行命令。 Add-History將命令新增至命令歷程記錄。 Clear-Historyclhy從命令歷程記錄中刪除命令。 管理歷程記錄的鍵盤快捷方式 在PowerShell 控制台中,您可以使用下列快捷方式來管理命令歷程記錄。
Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest New-PSRoleCapabilityFile New-PSSession New-PSSession...
从PowerShell 7.0 开始,PowerShell 使用更新通知提醒用户是否存在对 PowerShell 的更新。 PowerShell 每天查询一次联机服务,以确定是否提供较新版本。 备注 虽然更新检查在给定的 24 小时内在第一个会话期间发生,但出于性能原因,PowerShell 会在后续会话开始时显示通知。 此外,出于性能原因,更新检查在会话开始后 3 ...
在此示例中,变量$ps在运行命令的临时会话中Get-WinEvent定义。 PowerShell复制 Invoke-Command-ComputerNameS1-ScriptBlock{$ps="*PowerShell*";Get-WinEvent-LogName$ps} 当命令在永久会话PSSession中运行时,必须在该会话中定义远程变量。 PowerShell复制 $s=New-PSSession-ComputerNameS1Invoke-Command-Session$s-Sc...
5.1 (installed by default in Windows 10). In previous versions of Windows PowerShell (and the cmd command prompt), the history of executed commands is available only in the current PowerShell session. Use theGet-Historycmdlet to view the history of previous commands in the current session. ...
PS C:\> Get-Variable MaximumHistoryCount | fl * Name : MaximumHistoryCount Description : The maximum number of history objects to retain in a session. Value : 4096 Visibility : Public Module : ModuleName : Options : None Attributes : {System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute} ...
HistoryString The history string to be used for displaying the history. InstanceId Get unique id for this instance of runspace pool. It is primarily used for logging purposes. InvocationStateInfo Gets the execution state of the current PowerShell instance. IsNested Gets the property which ind...
The simple Get-WinEvent output is not convenient for tracking user logon/logoff activity. We have prepared a PowerShell script to extract user logon history from the Event Viewer log in a more convenient way. Copy the script below and save it asGet-LogOnHistory.ps1. You can also download...
HistoryString The history string to be used for displaying the history. InstanceId Get unique id for this instance of runspace pool. It is primarily used for logging purposes. InvocationStateInfo Gets the execution state of the current PowerShell instance. ...
# (B) You've already installed a previous version of posh-git from the PowerShell Gallery PowerShellGet\Update-Module posh-git Installing posh-git via Chocolatey If you prefer to manage posh-git as a Windows package, you can use Chocolatey to install posh-git. If you don't have Chocolate...