4– Network Drive. 5– Compact Disc. 6– RAM Disk. 1] Get General Information OpenWindows PowerShelland execute the following command to get general information about the connected hard drives: get-wmiobject -class win32_logicaldisk The results will displayDeviceID, DriveType, ProviderName, FreeSpa...
$($disk.Size) bytes"# 获取该磁盘上的分区信息$partitions=Get-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Numberforeach($partitionin$partitions) {Write-Output" Partition$($partition.PartitionNumber):$($partition.Size) bytes,$($partition.DriveLetter)"}
If you want to get information on a particular hard disk, you can type its disk number. In this case, the command will be: Get-Disk -Number 0In the above command, 0 is the disk number.If you want to get information about the removable storage devices connected to your computer through...
The CodeSigningCert parameter gets only certificates that have code-signing authority. PowerShell Copy Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\* -Recurse -CodeSigningCert For more information about the Certificate provider and the Cert: drive, see about_Certificate_Provider....
For more information about enabling or disabling these features, see about_Experimental_Features.Experimental feature lifecycleThe Get-ExperimentalFeature cmdlet returns all experimental features available to PowerShell. Experimental features can come from modules or the PowerShell engine. Module-based ...
For more information on which Microsoft modules work with PowerShell 7.0, see theModule Compatibility Table. Microsoft Update support for Windows PowerShell 7.2 added support for Microsoft Update. When you enable this feature, you'll get the latest PowerShell 7 updates in your traditional Windows ...
<# .SYNOPSIS Name : Disk Space Utilization Report (Get-DiskSpaceHTML.ps1) Description : Get disk space usage information from remote server(s) with WMI and output HTML file Author : Prashanth Jayaram * Select list of servers from a CSV file * Get remote Servers informati...
Runs a WMI query to gather disk information If the free space has fallen below a threshold, checks to see if it has emailed before and if not emails a warningMonitoring Disk Space - XML and ADO.NET Class LibrariesThis article shows one possible solution for ...
通过下面代码可以获取 系统版本和系统是专业版还是教育版 代码语言:javascript 复制 Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem|Format-List BootDevice,BuildNumber,BuildType,Caption,CodeSet,CountryCode,CreationClassName,CSCreationClassNameCSDVersion,CSName,Description,Locale,Manufacturer,Name,Organization,OSArchitecture,OtherType...
Now we need to create some Help text for the script. To do this, we create a Get-HelpText function that stores the Help information in a single variable: $helpText. The Help text is written as a here-string, which lets us format the text as we want it to appear on the screen witho...