function Get-GitBranch { $branch = & git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>$null if ($branch) { Write-Host "Current branch: $branch" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Not a git repository." -ForegroundColor Red } } 你可以将上述函数添加到你的Powershell配置文件中(参考上述步骤中...
git branch -a: 查看所有分支,本地以及远程 git branch -v: 查看本地分支,并显示最近一次的提交信息 git checkout branch: 切换分支 git fetch <remoteName/url>: 从远程仓库更新代码,可以是URL或者在添加远程仓库时起的名字也可以省略;该操作不会自动合并或修改本地文件,需要手动合并。 git pull: 从远程仓库...
...gitBranchName as NSString) .substring(with: range) .trimmingCharacters(in: .newlines) 请注意,如果没有匹配项(即分支名称中不包含...在下面的截屏中,创建了两个分支,一个带有问题编号,一个没有,它们有着相同的提交信息。可以看出脚本运行正常,并且只在需要时才更改提交消息!
$gitrepo="<replace-with-URL-of-your-own-GitHub-repo>" $gittoken="<replace-with-a-GitHub-access-token>" $webappname="mywebapp$(Get-Random)" $location="West Europe" # Create a resource group. New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Location $location # Create an App Servic...
posh-git is a PowerShell module that integrates Git and PowerShell by providing Git status summary information that can be displayed in the PowerShell prompt, e.g.: posh-git also provides tab completion support for common git commands, branch names, paths and more. For example, with posh-gi...
git clone Navigate to the source directory cd path/to/PowerShellGet Import the module Import-Modulesrc/PowerShellGet Local Development Visual Studio Code:- Open VSCode choosing "Run as Administrator" ... credential.helperselector.selected=wincred credential. credential. init.defaultbranch=main 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 查看系统范围内的gitconfig所有项目 PS>git config --list --system ...
[DirectoryCompleter(ContainingFile="pwsh.exe", Depth=2)] [DateCompleter(WeekDay='Monday', From="LastYear")] [GitCommits(Branch='release')] 派生的属性必须实现IArgumentCompleterFactory接口,并使用属性值创建专用补全程序。 PowerShell using namespace System.Collections using namespace System....
安装posh-git和oh-my-posh,在终端输入如下命令: winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module DirColors -Scope CurrentUser 注:如果winget不能用,输入以下命令: ... credential.helperselector.selected=wincred credential. credential. init.defaultbranch=main 查看系统范围内的gitconfig所有项目 PS>git config --list --system diff.astextplain.textconv=astextplain ...