# 监控磁盘使用情况(可用空间、已使用空间等)Get-Volume|Select-ObjectDriveLetter, FileSystemLabel,@{Name="UsedSpace(GB)";Expression={$_.SizeUsed/1GB}},@{Name="FreeSpace(GB)";Expression={$_.SizeRemaining/1GB}}# 生成磁盘使用情况报告Get-Volume|Format-TableDriveLetter, FileSystemLabel,@{Name="Use...
日常交互式查询中,95% 查询访问近几天的数据,剩下 5% 的跑一些长周期批处理任务。我们可以通过阶梯...
Get-CMClientStatusUpdateSchedule Get-CMCloudDistributionPoint Get-CMCloudManagementGateway Get-CMCloudManagementGatewayConnectionPoint Get-CMCollection Get-CMCollectionDependency Get-CMCollectionDependent Get-CMCollectionDirectMembershipRule Get-CMCollectionEvaluationStatus Get-CMCollectionExcludeMembershipRule Get-CMCollec...
Get Free Disk Space from Remote Windows Hosts via PowerShell The Invoke-Command cmdletcan be used to run a PS script to check the remaining free space on remote computers. Invoke-Command -ComputerName srv01,srv02,srv03 -FilePath "C:\PS\checkfreespace.ps1" If the servers you want to chec...
Next, the API requires the remaining part of the LCCN must be six digits. So we’ll use the PadLeft method to put 0’s in front to make it six digits. $lccnPadded = $lccnCleaned.Substring(2).PadLeft(6, '0') Now combine the reformatted LCCN and save it to a variable. $lccn...
Create a backend address pool withNew-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig. The VMs attach to this backend pool in the remaining steps. The following example creates backend address pools nameddsLbBackEndPool_v4anddsLbBackEndPool_v6to include VMs with both IPV4 and IPv6 NIC configurations:...
Then use New-AzResourceGroup to create your resource group. To simplify the rest of the quickstart, the remaining commands use this name as a basis for other resource names.PowerShell Kopija $ResourceGroupName = "sqlvm1" $Location = "East US" $ResourceGroupParams = @{ Name =...
Additionally, you can use the $PSDefaultParameterValues.remove method to remove specific parameter values and keep any remaining values. An example of removing a single default parameter value: $PsDefaultParameterValues.remove("Get-Help:ShowWindow",$True) Are all of these changes permanent? No. ...
That means that if one GBT train uses mixture of the first 16 and the remaining 240 colors, the look might be inconsistent because some of the colors might change (depending on the color scheme) and some not. Luckily the first 16 colors can be found in the remaining 240 colors and ...