To get the folder size in GBs, specify 1GB after the forward slash: Example 3: Get Folder Size Including Subfolders in PowerShell To get the folder size along with the subfolders, you need to use the-Recurseparameter. The -Recurse parameter forces the navigator to navigate to the subfolders ...
Afterwards, we used the ForEach-Object to iterate over each file in the given directory. Next, the -Process parameter was used with the GetFileName() method of the System.IO.Path class to extract the names of the files with extension. We can also get multiple files without an extension...
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery; $query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType'/><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq></Where>"; $folders = $oList.GetItems($query); #Get the name and Url for the folder foreach ($folder in $folders) { $folder.Name }...
(a full path name of a directory (i.e. folder path such asC:\Windows)). In case the path name includes space characters, quotation marks around the path name are mandatory. The-Pathparameter accepts a collection of path names (separated by comma) and also takes an array of strings for...
DomainController 参数指定此 cmdlet 从 Active Directory 读取数据或向其写入数据时使用的域控制器。 可以使用完全限定的域名 (FQDN) 来标识域控制器。 例如,。 展开表 Type: Fqdn Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard charac...
Get-ChildItem 和Get-Item 命令可以获取已经存在的文件和目录。你也可以创建自己的文件和目录,重命名它们,给它们填充内容,复制它们,移动它们,当然也可以删除它们。 创建新目录 创建一个新目录最方便的方式是使用MD函数它是mkdir的别名,它内部调用的是New-Item命令,指定参数–type的值为Directory: PS C:\PowerShell>...
I have also come across "Support Tools" folders (in the Program Files folder) in $Env:Path containing an incompatible version of robocopy which didn't support the /bytes parameter (causing me to rename it so it went to the one in the Windows directory instead, which works). It works fin...
ComputerName[0]: !? Enter one or more computer names separated by commas. ComputerName[0]: localhost ComputerName[1]: 如果函数没有基于注释的帮助,则会在 Get-Help -Full 输出中显示此消息。此参数对可选参数没有影响。DontShow 参数DontShow 值通常用于支持无法移除过时参数的命令的向后兼...
You can do this with PowerShell.To do this, you would have to get all the folders in the directory tree, and for each of them, see if they match and if they do, rename them according to your scheme.Something along the lines of this should do.prettyprint 复制 ...
Get one or more folders in the console. Syntax PowerShell Copy Get-CMFolder [[-Name] <String>] [-InputObject <IResultObject>] [-ParentFolderPath <String>] [-TypeName <String>] [-IsEmpty <Boolean>] [-IsSearchFolder <Boolean>] [-SiteCode <String>] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-Force...