以下命令新建文件夹C:\temp\New Folder: PowerShell New-Item-Path'C:\temp\New Folder'-ItemTypeDirectory 以下命令新建空的文件C:\temp\New Folder\file.txt PowerShell New-Item-Path'C:\temp\New Folder\file.txt'-ItemTypeFile 重要 结合使用 Force 开关与New-Item命令来创建文件夹时,如果文件夹已存在,...
-Recurse is used to retrieve the directory recursively, meaning all the files, folders, and subfolders will be retrieved. Use the -Exclude parameter to exclude specific files and folders. You can modify the -Exclude parameter to include multiple file and folder names by separating them with com...
ComputerName[0]: !? Enter one or more computer names separated by commas. ComputerName[0]: localhost ComputerName[1]: 如果函式沒有 以批注為基礎的說明 ,則此訊息會顯示在輸出中 Get-Help -Full。這個自變數不會影響選擇性參數。DontShow 自變數...
Afterwards, we used the ForEach-Object to iterate over each file in the given directory. Next, the -Process parameter was used with the GetFileName() method of the System.IO.Path class to extract the names of the files with extension. We can also get multiple files without an extension...
(a full path name of a directory (i.e. folder path such asC:\Windows)). In case the path name includes space characters, quotation marks around the path name are mandatory. The-Pathparameter accepts a collection of path names (separated by comma) and also takes an array of strings for...
$folder=New-Item-TypeDirectory-Path$HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules 전체 모듈 폴더를 새로 만든 폴더에 복사합니다. PowerShell에서 cmdlet을Copy-Item사용합니다. 예를 들어 다음 명령을 실행하여 방금 만든 폴더로C...
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery; $query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType'/><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq></Where>"; $folders = $oList.GetItems($query); #Get the name and Url for the folder foreach ($folder in $folders) { $folder.Name }...
Get-ChildItem"C:\Path\To\Folder"|Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime-lt(Get-Date).AddDays(-30) } |Remove-Item 删除在过去 30 天之前修改的文件。 Remove-Item是 PowerShell 中非常强大的删除命令,支持删除单个或多个文件/文件夹,支持递归删除、强制删除、以及按时间删除等多种功能。理解这些功能并合理使用Remov...
Get-ChildItem 和Get-Item 命令可以获取已经存在的文件和目录。你也可以创建自己的文件和目录,重命名它们,给它们填充内容,复制它们,移动它们,当然也可以删除它们。 创建新目录 创建一个新目录最方便的方式是使用MD函数它是mkdir的别名,它内部调用的是New-Item命令,指定参数–type的值为Directory: PS C:\PowerShell>...
以下对象在 Windows PowerShell ISE 中提供其他脚本功能。 它们不属于 $psISE 层次结构。有用的脚本对象$psUnsupportedConsoleApplicationsWindows PowerShell ISE 如何与控制台应用程序交互存在一些限制。 需要用户干预的命令或自动化脚本可能无法在 Windows PowerShell 控制台中正常工作。 你可能想要阻止...