The location of a file on a system can be determined by its path. In PowerShell, there are several ways to get filename from path. Firstly, it's essential to
# Get the file path: $FilePath = $args Write-Host "FilePath: " $FilePath # Get the complete file name: $file_name_complete = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("$FilePath") Write-Host "fileNameFull :" $file_name_complete # Get file name without the extension: $fileNameOnly = [Syst...
[String]$FileName ) process { If (Test-Path $FileName) { # core logic for the function # 关键在于格式化'{0,5} {1}' -f Get-Content $FileName | ForEach-Object { '{0,-5} {1}' -f $_.ReadCount, $_ } } }} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14....
To remove extension from the filename, you can use System.IO.Path‘s GetFileNameWithoutExtension() method. In this method, you will get the filename without extension in your PowerShell. For that, run the following command to get your file name location at C:\User\rhtnm\test.txt. Power...
可以使用-ComputerName参数在远程计算机上执行命令。 示例:Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS -ComputerName Server01,在名为 "Server01" 的远程计算机上检索 BIOS 信息。 3.4 导出结果 可以使用Export-Csv或Out-File将结果导出到文件中。 示例:Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Export-Csv -Path "C:\dis...
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Path\To\Files" -Filter "*.txt" | Sort-Object $counter = 1 foreach ($file in $files) { $newName = "NewFileName$counter.txt" Rename-Item -Path $file.FullName -NewName $newName $counter++ } 上述示例中,首先使用Get-ChildItem命令获取指定路径下的...
11. Get-Host : 获取表示当前主机程序的对象 12.Get-Member : 获取对象的属性和方法。 如:$var = 3 $var | get-member 结果:TypeName: System.Int32 Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- CompareTo Method int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(int value) Equals Method bool Equals...
Building a string from a Get-ADComputer output adds @{Name= to the computer name Bulk adding Active Directory users to a group by Display Name with PowerShell Bulk change of email addresses in Active Directory from a csv file Bulk Delete Computer from AD using list of partial names Bulk d...
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\\path\o\\your\\directory"$count = 1 foreach ($file in $files) {$newName = "photo_$count.jpg" # 假设文件是jpg格式Rename-Item $file.FullName $newName$count++}使用说明: 将上述代码复制到一个PowerShell脚本文件中。 修改"C:\\path\o\\your\\directory"为需要...
$ConsoleFileName 目前主控台檔案的名稱。 $DebugPreference 指定在指令碼程式裡以 Write-Debug 寫入資料,或在 cmdlet 或提供者以 WriteDebug 寫入資料的動作。 $Error 指定執行 cmdlet 但發生錯誤的相關資訊,為物件型別。 $ErrorActionPreference 指定在指令碼程式裡以 Write-Error 寫入資料,或在 cmdlet 或提供者以...