Changing contents of a text box multiple times in a powershell form Changing email Categories with PowerShell Changing file time Changing Local Group Policy and Local Security Policy via PowerShell Changing nth character for each item of a list in powershell changing printer's Server name from lo...
param( [string] $infile = $(throw "Please specify a filename.") ) $outfile = "$infile.unicode" get-content -Path $infile | out-file $outfile -encoding unicode 转换文本文件为UTF-8编码 # Convert any text file to UTF-8 param( [string] $infile = $(throw "Please specify a filename....
似乎打开一个新的Powershell ISE窗口的唯一方法是使用一个空白的脚本文件,并且没有人可以选择(即start powershell_ise.exe -file "myfile.ps1" -这是不起作用的 浏览2提问于2017-01-19得票数 1 1回答 powershell v2可能出现的重定向问题 我知道这一定很简单,我有以下几点: ls | % { file.exe $_.full...
NodeName ="VM-1"SiteContents ="C:\Site1"SiteName ="Website1"}, @{ NodeName ="VM-2"SiteContents ="C:\Site2"SiteName ="Website2"} ); NonNodeData = @{ ConfigFileContents = (Get-ContentC:\Template\Config.xml) } } configuration WebsiteConfig {Import-DscResource-ModuleNamexWebAdmini...
The Update-ScriptFileInfo cmdlet updates a script's property values. For example, the values for version, author, or description. This is a proxy cmdlet for the Update-PSScriptFileInfo cmdlet in the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet. For more informatio
Get-EventLog–LogName ApplicationGet-EventLogApplication 省略参数名称 省略参数名称时需谨慎,原因如下。 不能省略所有参数。 例如,‑ComputerName 参数不能省略参数名称。 此外,你会很快无法对内容进行跟踪。 提供参数名称时,参数可按任意顺序显示,如以下命令所示: ...
Table of Contents PowerShell get file size Now, let us see various methods to get file size in PowerShell. In PowerShell, you can use the Get-Item PowerShell cmdlets to get file size. The Get-Item command in PowerShell is a basic and straightforward way to get the properties of a fil...
ResolvedCommandName : Get-ChildItem ReferencedCommand : Get-ChildItem ResolvedCommand : Get-ChildItem Definition : Get-ChildItem Options : AllScope Description : OutputType : {System.IO.FileInfo, System.IO.DirectoryInfo, System.String} Name : ls ...
Get file/directory size from command line The Windows CLI is unfortuntely quite restrictive, you could alternatively install Cygwin which is a dream to use compared to cmd. That would give you access to the ported Unix tool du which is the basis of diruse on windows. Sorry I wasn't able...
GetLogicalProgramGroupItem 表示 由Win32_ProgramGroup 实例包含的元素,该元素本身不是另一个 Win32_ProgramGroup 实例 GetLogicalProgramGroupItemDataFile 将"开始"菜单的程序组项及其存储在其中的文件关联 GetProgramGroupContents 关联程序组顺序和包含的单个程序组或项 GetProgramGroupOrItem 获取用户"开始"菜单 3. ...