To list all the environment variables use: Get-Childitem env: (or just dir env:)Each environment variable is an object that can be retrieved with Get-Childitem (or Get-Item) and enumerated with Get-Member Display Environment VariablesDisplay the values of all environment variables: Get-Childitem...
Get-ChildItem -Path Variable: | Where-Object { $_.options -Match "Constant" ` -or $_.options -Match "ReadOnly" } | Format-List -Property name, value, options 创建变量Create新变量此命令创建 变量, services 并将命令的结果 Get-Service 存储在其中。 由于当前位置位于驱动器中 Variable: ,...
若要取得目前 PowerShell 會話的有效執行原則,請使用 Get-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet。下列命令會取得有效的執行原則:PowerShell 複製 Get-ExecutionPolicy 若要取得影響目前會話的所有執行原則,並依優先順序顯示這些原則:PowerShell 複製 Get-ExecutionPolicy -List ...
For PowerShell to see a file extension as executable in the current session, you must add the extension to the $env:PATHEXT environment variable. See also - about_Aliases - about_Functions - about_Path_Syntax - Alias-Provider - Function-Provider - Get-Command - Import-Module - Import-...
1.Get-CimInstance命令 Get-CimInstance是推荐使用的命令,因为它基于更现代的Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) API。与Get-WmiObject相比,Get-CimInstance提供了更好的远程管理支持和性能。 例如,如果你想要获取系统上所有进程的列表(类似于WMIC process list),可以使用: ...
Print environment variables 1 2 3 Get-ChildItem env: Environment variables store values used by the operating system and installed programs. For instance, the environment variable PATH contains a list of directories to search for executable files. Some other environment variables in the Windows ope...
get a list of distribution groups and all members in Active Directory Get a return value from invoke-command Get a Variable value out of ScriptBlock Get accountExpires and set value as string to another another attribute. Get Active Window Info Get AD Group count in particular OU Get AD membe...
Get-Module-ListAvailable 이 명령은 현재 세션으로 가져온 모듈뿐만 아니라 설치된$env:PSModulePath모든 모듈을 가져옵니다. 이 명령은 다른 위치에 설치된 모듈을 나열하지 않습니다. ...
class, and it produces an all-lowercase representation of the string's value. It doesn't change the actual contents of the variable $var, though. To see a complete list of everything the System.String class is capable of doing, pipe a string variable to the Get-Member cmdlet, like this...
The ListLog parameter specifies the Application log. The ComputerName parameter uses the variable $Server to get log information from each server.The objects are sent down the pipeline to the Select-Object cmdlet. Select-Object gets the properties LogMode, MaximumSizeInBytes...