Get-Date-format"dd/MM/yyyy" 输出: 03/12/2021 在PowerShell 中使用(Get-Date).ToString格式化日期和时间 另一种更改日期和时间格式的方法是: (Get-Date).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") 输出: 03/12/2021 19:08:39 在PowerShell 中使用GetDateTimeFormats()从所有日期和时间格式样式中进行选择 要查...
#Declaring the datePS>$Date1=(Get-Date-Month 11-Day 14-Year 2020)PS>$Date2=Get-DatePS>$Date1-lt$Date2True Converting (Casting) Strings to DateTime Objects PowerShell can also display dates in various formats. For example, let’s say you have a CSV file or spreadsheet with various dat...
To view your computer's settings, use (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat. Examples Example 1: Get the current date and time In this example, Get-Date displays the current system date and time. The output is in the long-date and long-time formats. PowerShell Copy Get-Date Tuesday, June 25,...
Get-Date -format "d" ➞ 2023-03-29 (this will vary by culture/locale) D LongDate pattern ➞ 29 March 2023 (this will vary by culture/locale) f Full date and time (long date and short time) ➞ 29 March 2023 18:40 (this will vary by culture/locale) F FullDateTime pattern (...
Formats the output as a table.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Format-Table [[-Property] <Object[]>] [-AutoSize] [-RepeatHeader] [-HideTableHeaders] [-Wrap] [-GroupBy <Object>] [-View <string>] [-ShowError] [-DisplayError] [-Force] [-Expand <string>] [-InputObject <psobject>] [<Common...
Formats objects as a wide table that displays only one property of each object. Get-Alias Gets the aliases for the current session. Get-Culture Gets the current culture set in the operating system. Get-Date Gets the current date and time. Get-Error Gets and displays the most recent error...
The.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') formats the resulting DateTime object as a string with the format yyyy-MM-dd. This specifies the year, month, and day in four-digit format, separated by hyphens. The output of this code is displayed using the format yyyy-MM-dd. Using [DateTime] Command with...
Export-Csv "C:\Site-Prep\$($SPSite.hostname)$($SiteUrl).$((get-date).GetDateTimeFormats()[5]).csv" -NoTypeInformation $array = @() } I hope you find this information useful and that it helps you with your SharePoint migration. Cheers!
GetDateTimeFormatsMethodstring[] GetDateTimeFormats(), string[] GetDa… GetHashCodeMethodint GetHashCode() GetTypeMethodtype GetType() GetTypeCodeMethodSystem.TypeCode GetTypeCode() IsDaylightSavingTime Methodbool IsDaylightSavingTime() SubtractMethodSystem.TimeSpan Subtract(System.DateTime valu… ...
Formats the output as a table.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Format-Table [[-Property] <Object[]>] [-AutoSize] [-RepeatHeader] [-HideTableHeaders] [-Wrap] [-GroupBy <Object>] [-View <string>] [-ShowError] [-DisplayError] [-Force] [-Expand <string>] [-InputObject <psobject>] [<Common...