(Note we can also pass more than one path string if the -path parameter name is used). The -Parent parameter returns the parent location (without the filename) of the specified path. As we can see above, C:\Intel is returned, which is the parent directory. Note that -Parent is the...
此信息包括使用 参数需要了解的详细信息。 例如,cmdlet 的Get-ChildItem帮助主题包括有关其 Path 参数的以下详细信息: -Path <string[]> Specifies a path of one or more locations. Wildcard characters are permitted. The default location is the current directory (.). Required? false Position? 0 Default...
-Name <String> Required? false Position? 1 Default value Current directory Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? false PSDefaultValue 属性参数PSDefaultValue 属性具有两个参数:帮助 - 描述默认值的字符串。 此信息由 Get-Help cmdlet 显示。 值 - 参数的默认值。这两个参数都是可...
Get-Location[-PSProvider <String[]>] [-PSDrive <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Get-Location[-Stack] [-StackName <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheGet-Locationcmdlet gets an object that represents the current directory, much like the print working directory (pwd) c...
-Path <string[]> Specifies a path of one or more locations. Wildcard characters are permitted. The default location is the current directory (.). Required? false Position? 0 Default value Current directory Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) Accept wildcard characters? true ...
.\Get-ServiceLog.ps1-ServiceNameWinRM As a security feature, PowerShell does not run scripts when you double-click the script icon in File Explorer or when you type the script name without a full path, even when the script is in the current directory. For more information about running co...
Type:StringAliases:pvRequired:FalsePosition:NamedDefaultvalue:NoneAcceptpipelineinput:FalseAcceptwildcardcharacters:False Valid values are strings, the same as for any variable names. Caution ThePipelineVariableis scoped to the pipeline in which it's invoked. Variables outside the pipeline, which use sa...
Get-ChildItem 和Get-Item 命令可以获取已经存在的文件和目录。你也可以创建自己的文件和目录,重命名它们,给它们填充内容,复制它们,移动它们,当然也可以删除它们。 创建新目录 创建一个新目录最方便的方式是使用MD函数它是mkdir的别名,它内部调用的是New-Item命令,指定参数–type的值为Directory: PS C:\PowerShell>...
New-Item 需要创建的目录 Type Directory #创建目录 New-Item 需要创建的文件 Type File #创建文件 Remove-Item 已存在目录 #删除目录 Get-Content 已存在文件 #查看文件 Set-Content 已存在文件 "hello" #给文件添加内容 Add-Content 已存在文件 "hello" #给文件追加内容 Clear-Content 已存在文件 #清除文件内...
Definition :Get-ContentReferencedCommand :Get-ContentResolvedCommand :Get-Content Powershell Provider Powershell所支持的层次化结构数据,例如:文件系统,注册表、证书服务。 都是建立在powershell的provider之上的。 导入模块Import-Module的时候,也可能会添加新的PSProvider,例如ActiveDirectory模块。