But I think get folder size is so useful that PowerShell can include a command for it.
Weekend Scripter: The Mission for “True-Up” Data Via Get-WmiObject Doctor Scripto May 27, 2012 Weekend Scripter: Use PowerShell to Manage Your Windows Azure Deployments Doctor Scripto Summary: Guest blogger, Bill Stewart, discusses a Windows PowerShell function to determine folder size. Micr...
This Get-FolderSize script uses a super fast Scripting.FileSystemObject COM object, with an optional fallback to robocopy.exe with the logging only option (no actual copying), to list directories where you do not have access to one or more files or subfolders (then the COM object returns $n...
$files = Get-SFTPChildItem -SessionId '0' -Path $source how to ignore folder from list $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg...
Get-DirectorySize. The total size of a folder cannot be known, if all of the content is not known. The file count and subfolder count will, however, follow the path of the-Recurseparameter. Furthermore, since the Average File Size depends on the number of files found, the reported ...
Get-CMFolder [[-Name] <String>] [-InputObject <IResultObject>] [-ParentFolderPath <String>] [-TypeName <String>] [-IsEmpty <Boolean>] [-IsSearchFolder <Boolean>] [-SiteCode <String>] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Copy Get-CMFolder...
rootFolder; args[3] = autoStart; ManagementClass siteClass = CreateClassObject(Computer,"Site");try{ siteClass.InvokeMethod("Create", args); } catch (COMException comEx) { WriteError(newErrorRecord(comEx, comEx.Message, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Name)); }if(PassThru.IsPresent) {stringget...
cmdlet at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: (Type !? for Help.) ComputerName[0]: !? Enter one or more computer names separated by commas. ComputerName[0]: localhost ComputerName[1]: 如果函数没有基于注释的帮助,则会在 Get-Help -Full 输出中...
functionGet-CmdletAlias($cmdletname) {Get-Alias|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.Definition-like"$cmdletname"} |Format-Table-PropertyDefinition, Name-AutoSize} Customize your console PowerShell functionCustomizeConsole {$hosttime= (Get-ChildItem-Path$PSHOME\pwsh.exe).CreationTime$hostversion="$($Host....
Now, by navigating to the Databases folder under an instance of SQL Server, you can use the following command to send the list of databases to a web page for anyone in your organization to view: PowerShell Copy PS> dir | select name, CompatibilityLevel, RecoveryModel, Size, SpaceAvailable...