Connect-ExchangeOnline-CertificateFilePath"C:\Users\navin\Desktop\automation-cert.pfx"-CertificatePassword(ConvertTo-SecureString-String"<Password>"-AsPlainText-Force)-AppID"36ee4c6c-0812-40a2-b820-b22ebd02bce3"-Organization"" ...
若要取得 PowerShell 提供者的說明,請輸入 Get-Help 後面接著提供者名稱。 例如,若要取得憑證提供者的說明,請輸入 Get-Help Certificate。您也可以輸入 help 或man,一次顯示一個文字畫面。 或者,這與 Get-Help相同,<cmdlet-name> -?但只適用於 Cmdlet。Get-Help 會從電腦上的說明檔取得其顯示的說明...
現在,如果Certificate和PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword兩者皆有指定,則會使用憑證。 系統會將認證解密,即使 Get-TargetResource 亦同。 中繼設定認證會經過加密及解密。 現在,若 PSCredentials 在內嵌物件中,則會將其解密。 內建資源改善 套件資源 不會再安裝錯誤的套件 (不論從本機或 Web 來源)。
Example 2: Get a PFX certificate from a remote computer PowerShell Invoke-Command-ComputerName"Server01"-ScriptBlock{Get-PfxCertificate-FilePath"C:\Text\TestNoPassword.pfx"}-AuthenticationCredSSP This command gets a PFX certificate file from the Server01 remote computer. It usesInvoke-Commandto ru...
New-SelfSignedCertificate ` -certstorelocation cert:\localmachine\my ` -dnsname 您應該會看到類似這個結果的內容:複製 PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\my Thumbprint Subject --- --- E1E81C23B3AD33F9B4D1717B20AB65DBB91AC630
Copy $cert = Get-ChildItem –Path cert:\CurrentUser\my –codeSigningCert You need to replace that file path with one that points to an installed certificate—any installed certificate will be accessible via the cert: drive. Once the certificate is loaded, run this to sign a script:...
-Certificate指定用于安全的 Web 请求的客户端证书。 输入一个包含证书的变量,或可获取该证书的命令或表达式。 若要查找证书,请使用 Get-PfxCertificate 或使用 Certificate (Cert:) 驱动器中的 Get-ChildItem cmdlet。 如果证书无效或不具有足够的权限,则该命令将失败。 展开表 类型: X509Certificate Position: ...
You can find the thumbprint value by using the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet. The request is Base64 encoded. The output is displayed onscreen and is also written to the text file C:\Cert Requests\fabrikam_renewal.req.Note: The RequestFile parameter is available only in Exchange 2013. To ...
在powershell中执行Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs 会提示授权,并以管理员身份运行powershell 继续重新执行set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned选择Y 执行成功 C:\> powershell -file "c:\batch\demo.ps1" powershell -command Set-ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted ...
PS C:\temp> $cert = Get-Content C:\temp\ProtectedEventLogging.cer –Raw PS C:\temp> Enable-ProtectedEventLogging –Certificate $certProtected event logging must be configured in addition to enabling any application-specific logging. Enabling protected event logging doesn’t automatically enable ...