{"ModuleLogging": {"EnableModuleLogging":true,"ModuleNames": ["PSReadLine","PowerShellGet"] } } ProtectedEventLogging 此设置允许配置受保护的事件日志记录。 设置包含两个子项: EnableProtectedEventLogging- 如果启用此策略设置,则支持该策略的组件会在将日志数据写入日志数据之前使用你提供的证书来加密...
function [<scope:>]<name> { param ([type]<$pname1>[, [[type]<$pname2>]]) <statement list> } process指定函数主体的一部分,以及 dynamicparam、 begin和end 关键字。 process当语句列表接收来自管道的输入时,process语句列表会针对管道中的每个元素运行一次。 如果管道未提供任何对象,则 process 语句...
使用PowerShell 运行功能启动执行策略为 Bypass 的Windows PowerShell会话,运行脚本并关闭会话。 它运行具有以下格式的命令: 复制 pwsh.exe -File <FileName> -ExecutionPolicy Bypass 使用PowerShell 运行仅为运行脚本的 PowerShell 进程) (会话设置绕过执行策略。 此功能不会更改计算机或用户的执行策略。
(Get-Service).DisplayName Output复制 Application Experience Application Layer Gateway Service Windows All-User Install Agent Application Identity Application Information ... 所有集合都有一个 Count属性,该属性返回集合中的对象数。 PowerShell复制 (Get-Service).Count ...
3 - on line 65 you are calling the function inside a variable with the filename in brackets - typically would pass the file to the function calling naming the parameter e.g. Invoke-DeGZip -infile $file 4 - the infile parameter doesn't have a type would ex...
get('/health', function (req, res) { console.log("Request for health service"); res.send('OK'); }); app.get('/triggerDatabaseBackup', function (req, res) { //Validation for both the parameters like 'dbList' & 'target folder' if (req.query.DatabaseList != null && re...
Calls the AWS Lambda ListFunctionEventInvokeConfigs API operation. Syntax Get-LMFunctionEventInvokeConfigList -FunctionName <String> -Marker <String> -MaxItem <Int32> -Select <String> -PassThru <SwitchParameter> -NoAutoIteration <SwitchParameter> -ClientConfig <AmazonLambdaConfig> Description Retrieve...
Get-LMFunctionEventInvokeConfig -FunctionName <String> -Qualifier <String> -Select <String> -PassThru <SwitchParameter> -ClientConfig <AmazonLambdaConfig> Description Retrieves the configuration for asynchronous invocation for a function, version, or alias. To configure options for asynchronous invocation...
Calling Start-Process with arguments with spaces fails Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as ...
Get-ChildItem${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} 若要引用包含大括号的变量名称,请将变量名称括在大括号中,并使用反引号字符对大括号进行转义。 例如,若要创建名为 type 的this{value}is变量,请执行以下操作: PowerShell ${this`{value`}is} ="This variable name uses braces and backticks."${this`{value`}is}...