使用在 Exchange Online 中运行 Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet 的 PowerShell 脚本搜索审核日志。 此脚本已经过优化,可在每次运行时返回大量审核记录。 该脚本会将这些记录导出为 CSV 文件,可在 Excel 中使用 Power Query 查看或转换这些文件。
有关详细信息,请参阅Azure Monitor 中的诊断设置。 创建用于发送日志的诊断设置 确保拥有 Azure 帐户。 登录到Microsoft Intune管理中心,在“Azure monitor”下选择“报告>诊断设置” () >“添加诊断设置”。 在“日志”下,选择“Windows365AuditLogs”。 在“目标详细信息”下,选择目标并提供详细信息。 选择“保存...
Azure 入口網站 搜尋 並選取[虛擬機]。 從清單中選取您的 VM。 在[VM 概觀] 頁面上,選取 [擴充功能 + 應用程式>擴充功能]。 選取用來執行命令的延伸模組。 (其名稱為CustomScriptExtension或RunCommand.) 選取[檢視詳細狀態]。 Azure PowerShell輸入Get-AzVMCmdlet 以取得 Azure VM 的屬性,如下所示: ...
Remove-AzureRmSqlInstance Get-AzureRmSqlInstanceDatabase New-AzureRmSqlInstanceDatabase Restore-AzureRmSqlInstanceDatabase Remove-AzureRmSqlInstanceDatabase 允许在服务器或数据库上进行扩展的审核策略管理。 添加了新的参数 (PredicateExpression),用于筛选审核日志。
Hi, I need to extract PowerBI audit logs in order to get some valuable information. So, I'm using Search-UnifiedAuditLog command, which according to the documentation could parse 50.000 records. But in fact using the switch "-SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet" still returns 100 records. If I ...
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PSConstrainedAuditLoggingThis feature enables PowerShell 7 to adhere to WDAC Audit mode and log events into the Windows Event Log. In this mode, PowerShell runs scripts in Full Language Mode, but logs events if there would be a difference in behavior in System Lockdown mode. This makes it ...
Get-MsolGroupMember If you didn’t want to use this with the audit log, you could also use PowerShell based on group membership of an Azure AD group itself. You could use the Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets to get a list of members from a group and then loop through those to...
Description When the customer tries to upload a certificate to AKV via "ImportAzureKeyVaultCertificate", they get a 400 BadRequest error. (Not visible on cx's audit logs). However, when they try the same operation using Azure CLI and the...
Upgraded Azure.Identity to 1.6.0 and Azure.Core to 1.24.0 Az.Aks Removed these aliases: 'Get-AzAks' 'New-AzAks' 'Set-AzAks' 'Remove-AzAks' Az.ApiManagement [Breaking change] Replaced parameter 'Sample' by 'Examples' in 'New-AzApiManagementOperation' and 'Set-AzApiManagementOperation'...