Quick info: Authenticating with a security Key in PowerShell keeps failing and I've been browsing the web for a way to upload AutoPilot HWID with Get-AutopilotInfo -Online with a FIDO2 key requirement without results. Therefore I tried to exclude "Microsoft Intune Enrollment" i...
You need to install the Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 script from the PowerShell Gallery firstly, and then gather the computer information by using this script. To rune the script on the computer locally, you can follow the steps below. prettyprint 复制 md c:\\HWID Set-Location c:\\HWID ...
Set-Location c:\HWID Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutoPilotHWID.csv All replies (2) Wednesday, September 4, 2019 7:27 AM Hi, I would recommend to ask for script forum or Powe...
AEchtermeijer There's a module for autopilot things here (https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/WindowsAutoPilotIntune/5.0), After installing (Install-Module -Name WindowsAutoPilotIntune.), you could use this to remove the device from the Autopilot dev...
(Get-PrinterPort -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME | Where-Object Name -EQ $printer.Name) { Write-Warning ("Port for Printer {0} already exists, removing existing port and printer first" -f $printer.Name) Remove-Printer -Name $printer.Name -ComputerName $env:COMPU...
I cannot use the script as a dependency for a win32 app however. Hi, You could create something like this and convert it (with the msi) to a intunewin file Just like i I did with a win32 app to disable the oobe stage (for when you don't use autopilot) ...
Get-MgBetaPrivilegedApprovalRoleInfo Get-MgBetaPrivilegedApprovalRoleInfoAssignment Get-MgBetaPrivilegedApprovalRoleInfoAssignmentCount Get-MgBetaPrivilegedApprovalRoleInfoSetting Get-MgBetaPrivilegedApprovalRoleInfoSummary Get-MgBetaPrivilegedOperationEvent Get-MgBetaPrivilegedOperationEvent...
Run a workflow object on-demand. You can run any workflow on-demand, including scheduled workflows. Workflows created from the 'Real-time employee termination' template are run on-demand only. When you run a workflow on demand, the tasks are executed ...
==>>A special thanks to Timmy Andersson for the PowerShell script!!<<== Dear Microsoft Intune Friends, In Microsoft Intune,...
For example, Apple Device Enrollment Profile, Device enrollment - Corporate device identifiers, or Windows Autopilot profile name. This property is set by Intune. [EnrollmentType <String>]: Enrollment type of the device. This property is set by Intune. Possible values are: unknown, user...