# 创建一个 COM 对象来管理打印机$printer=New-Object-ComObject"WScript.Network"$printer.AddWindowsPrinterConnection("PrinterName")# 导出打印机驱动$driverPath="C:\Path\To\Export\Driver"$driverName=$printer.EnumPrinterDrivers("Windows NT x86") |Where-Object{$_-like"*DriverName*"}$driverInfPath=Jo...
Get-CMDriver -Fast -Name "Surface*" | Select-Object LocalizedDisplayName,DriverVersion,DriverDate Example 3: Get all drivers for a specific category This command gets all drivers in the Surface driver category. PowerShell Kopeeri $category = Get-CMCategory -Name "Surface" Get-CMDriver -Fast...
Get-ContentC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts 这个命令将返回计算机上 HOSTS 文件的内容。 PowerShell 查询进程列表,你可以使用以下命令: powershellCopy Code Get-Process 这个命令将返回计算机上所有正在运行的进程列表,包括进程的 ID、名称、优先级、状态等信息。 PowerShell 查询启动项程序的信息,你可以使用以...
Get all booked meetings in Room mailbox get all child window titles Get all DHCP server and scope information for a domain get all files having last write time today Get all members of local admin group for list of servers Get all parameters pass to a powershell script and store it in ...
Extract used or free ips for all vnet with subnet and also giving the ip address space for bith vnet by using powershell. and also get the result for extracting output in CSV file. Azure Virtual Machines Azure Virtual Machines An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux...
Get-WUInstall、Install-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate –Install)——安装 Windows 更新; Hide-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate -Hide:$false)——隐藏更新; Uninstall-WindowsUpdate – 使用 Remove-WindowsUpdate 删除更新; Add-WUServiceManager——在电脑上注册更新服务器(Windows Update Service Manager);...
Jean-François Larvoireworks for Hewlett-Packard Enterprise in Grenoble, France. He has been developing software for 30 years for PC BIOS, Windows drivers, Windows and Linux system management. He can be reached atjf.larvoire@hpe.com.
\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" "NTFSDisable8dot3NameCreation" 1 SetProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" "DontVerifyRandomDrivers" 1 SetProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" "Size" 3 SetProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\...
1.5.1 get-service | format-table servicename,displayname -autosize 查找以L开头的服务 Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- Running LanmanServer Server Running LanmanWorkstation Workstation Running LFXSVC_FileExch... LisaFileExchange5 Stopped LFXSVC_File...
PS C:\> Get-WindowsDriver –Online -All -Driver <string>: Specifies the .inf file or folder containing the .inf files of the drivers you want detailed information about. When you specify a folder, .inf files that are not valid driver packages are ignored. ...