使用Export-Csv命令将用户信息导出到CSV文件中,可以使用-Append参数来追加到现有文件。 以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 $users = get-aduser -Filter * -Properties * $csvFile = "C:\path\to\output.csv" foreach ($user in $users) { if ($user.Name -eq $null) { $user.Name = "N...
批量导出AD用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=KFGS, DC=COM, DC=CN" |Select-Object -Property SamAccountName, Surname, GivenName, Name, Group, UserPrincipalName, Path, AccountPassword, Enabled, ChangePasswordAtLogon | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode ADuser.csv...
#获取OU 信息Get-ADOrganizationalUnit-filter* |Select-ObjectDistinguishedName |Export-Csv-Path'C:\LocalTemp\OUlist.csv'-EncodingUTF8 二:用户数据导出 点击查看代码 get-aduser-Filter*-Properties*|Select-Object SamAccountName,Name,DisplayName,DistinguishedName,CN,Department,Description,EmailAddress,telephoneN...
批量导出AD用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=KFGS, DC=COM, DC=CN" |Select-Object -Property SamAccountName, Surname, GivenName, Name, Group, UserPrincipalName, Path, AccountPassword, Enabled, ChangePasswordAtLogon | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode ADuser.csv 注:导出的文件在当前用户目录...
Get-ADUser filter -- getting disabled accounts when (Enabled -eq $true) is applied. get-aduser filter for displayname endswith null get-aduser filter from pipeline GET-ADUser filter not working Get-ADUser Filter Variable Issues Get-ADUser filter with dates and strings, why does one way work ...
方法一:导入csv Import-csv -Path C:\users.csv | foreach { New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -name $_.name -Enabled $true -GivenName $_.GivenName -Surname $_.surname -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "xxxx" -Force) ...
Get-Service|Select-ObjectName, Status |Export-CSVc:\service.csv 以下命令检索有关 Active Directory 用户的指定信息(办公电话号码和用户主体名称)。 PowerShell复制 Get-ADUser-Filter*-PropertiesOfficePhone | FT OfficePhone,UserPrincipalName 最后一个示例检索 AD DS 用户的子集(位于营销 OU 中)并通过向...
Active Directory user properties blank in CSV export Active Directory: New-ADUser character escaping AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may no...
Get-Service | Select-Object Name, Status | Export-CSV c:\service.csv The following command retrieves the specified information (office phone number and user principal name) about Active Directory users.PowerShell Copy Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties OfficePhone | FT OfficePhone,UserPrincipa...