Add-Content -Path .\ACL-APAC.CSV -Value"GroupName,EmpNo,Name"#方法一:(后写)Import-Csv .\Groups.CSV |ForEach-Object {#下面这句获得组的名称,然后追加输出到CSV文件Get-ADGroup -Filter* -SearchBase$_.GroupName | select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File$report-Encoding ASCII -Append#下面这个循...
New-ADGroup -Name 04-00-01-Primary-Admin-RO -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path "OU=04-fmsz-NTFS-Security-Groups,DC=fmsz,DC=frameway,DC=com" 以文件导入新建: Import-Csv C:\ad\Groups.csv | foreach {New-ADGroup -Name $_.Name -GroupCategory $_.GroupCategory -GroupScope $...
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) PowerShell 的某些角色名称不同。 例如,Microsoft 365 管理中心中的SharePoint 管理员角色是 Azure AD PowerShell 中的SharePoint 服务管理员。 接下来,填写用户 UPN 和角色名称,并运行以下命令: PowerShell $userUPN="<user UPN>"$roleName="<role name>"$role=Get-...
使用$results +=的开销非常大,因为每次添加时都需要在内存中重建整个数组
Know it Then Hack it,网上dump域用户hash的方式五花八门,少有站在防御者视角对不同的dump方式进行...
$credential = Get-Credential 运行此命令,使用 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK 连接到 Microsoft Entra ID。 备注 Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) PowerShell 模块即将弃用,并替换为 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK。 可以使用 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK 访问所有 Microsoft Graph API。 有...
Get-ADGroupMember可以返回的对象数受ADWS(Active Directory Web服务)中的限制:MaxGroupOrMemberEntries 5...
ADSI for local accounts ADSISearcher constructor ADUser PasswordNeverExpires -eq 'false' Advanced audit policy setting using powershell Advanced Functions - flags? Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups, membership and user attributes (EmployeeID) allow standa...
Note thatGet-AdGroupMemberonly returns group membership for users, groups and computers. It will not return other AD objects like contacts. Enumerating Group Members inside of Group Members As you may know, AD groups can not only contain user accounts but other groups also called nesting. When...