Can't get get-adcomputer to filter on Description... Can't Import AD Module Powershell Can't run Get-Acl on files containing a '[' or ']' character. Can't run Import-Module ActiveDirectory Can't use Install-Windowsfeature with the -Source property to install .Net 3.5 Cannot access n...
Let’s take another example. You created userUser1and assigned permission onMyOrgOUorganizational unit by another administrator. Using theGet-ACLcmdlet, return the following results. Copy PS>(Get-Acl-Path"AD:OU=MyOrgOU,DC=Contoso,DC=Com").Access|Where-Object{$_.IdentityReference-Like"Contoso\U...
I'm doing a Active Directory Domain Services ADDS cleanup where I try to correct the ACL of every Computer/Group/User. I'm using the following script below to correct the owner of each object. I would also like to correct the explicit permissions set on each object by reset ...
To quote the PowerShell documentation "Get-Acl gets the security descriptor for a resource, such as a file or registry key." while "Set-Acl changes the security descriptor of a specified resource, such as a file or a registry key." In other words; if you want Folder_A to have the ...
Use the above command to modify ACL of the AdminSDHolder to allow labuser permissions to modify ACL of AdminSDHolder. Using these permissions, labuser can change ACL of AdminSDHolder and get rights over all the Protected Groups. Set-DCPermissions-Method RBCD-DistinguishedName'CN=OPS-FILE,OU=...
'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as an internal or external command 'Unshare' 100+ dead print queues "Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access...
Get-Acl -Path "AD:\OU=Domain Controllers,DC=wingtiptoys,DC=local" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access Here is an example of an ActiveDirectoryAccessRule object that is returned for an OU:We get an entry like this for every permission assigned to the OU. My first instinc...
I'm doing a Active Directory Domain Services ADDS cleanup where I try to correct the ACL of every Computer/Group/User. I'm using the following script below to correct the owner of each object. I... andreaskrovel Hi, Andreas. Speaking to your question around "reset to defau...
Set-OrganizationConfig [-AdfsAudienceUris <MultiValuedProperty>] [-AdfsEncryptCertificateThumbprint <String>] [-AdfsIssuer <Uri>] [-AdfsSignCertificateThumbprints <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ACLableSyncedObjectEnabled <Boolean>] [-ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled <Boolean>] [-ActivityBasedAuthenticatio...
get-help .\voyeur.ps1 -Detailed Examples This example retrieve information of an Active Directory for a specific domain. Also, retrieve Organizational Unit information and ACL values. Next, export all data driven to JSON format. .\voyeur.ps1 -Domain "test.example.local" -ExportACL -ExportOU -...