在当前目录下点击文件->打开Windows Powershell->打开Windows Powershell 输入Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 .\Test.hex回车即可 -Algorithm后面是计算hash的算法, 上图我们使用的是MD5算法, 我们也可以用SHA256算法 其他算法可以在输入-Algorithm后按TAB键查看...
# 指定文件路径$filePath="C:\path\to\your\file.txt"# 定义支持的哈希算法列表$hashAlgorithms=@("SHA256","MD5","SHA1","SHA384","SHA512")# 遍历算法列表,为每种算法计算哈希值foreach($algorithmin$hashAlgorithms) {$hash=Get-FileHash-Path$filePath-Algorithm$algorithmWrite-Output"$algorithmhash ...
默认情况下,尽管可以使用任何受目标操作系统支持的哈希算法,但是Get-FileHashcmdlet 使用 SHA256 算法。 示例 示例1:计算文件的哈希值 此示例使用Get-FileHashcmdlet 来计算Powershell.exe文件的哈希值。 使用的哈希算法是默认算法 SHA256。 输出会通过管道传送给Format-Listcmdlet,以便将输出格式化为列表。
FileHash:使用文件的 SHA256 哈希值。 在 Windows 中,可以通过在命令提示符中运行以下命令来查找 SHA256 哈希值: certutil.exe -hashfile "<Path>\<Filename>" SHA256。 示例值为 768a813668695ef2483b2bde7cf5d1b2db0423a0d3e63e498f3ab6f2eb13ea3。 发件人:域或电子邮件地址值。 例如,contoso.com ...
Read-only. [Sha256Hash <String>]: SHA256 hash for the contents of the file (if available). Read-only. [MimeType <String>]: The MIME type for the file. This is determined by logic on the server and might not be the value provided when the file was uploaded. ...
Catalog versions 1 and 2 are supported. Version 1 uses the SHA1 hashing algorithm to create file hashes; version 2 uses SHA256. You should use catalog version 2. To verify the integrity of catalog file (Pester.cat in above example), sign it usingSet-AuthenticodeSignaturecmdlet. ...
Profiles are catalogs of information taken from stock machines running common PowerShell environments. The ones shipped in PSScriptAnalyzer can’t always match your working environment perfectly, but they come pretty close (there’s also a way to generate your own profile, detailed in a later blog...
$BytesToHash=[Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($StringToHash)$KeyBytes=[Convert]::FromBase64String($SharedKey) $Sha256=New-ObjectSystem.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $Sha256.Key=$KeyBytes $CalculatedHash=$Sha256.ComputeHash($BytesToHash)$EncodedHash=[Convert]::ToBase64String(...
To generate hash values for every file in a directory, use wildcards (*) in thePathparameter. You may notice that no algorithm is specified. Copy the command below and run from the rootC:\directory to generateSHA256hash values for all executables in theC:\Windowsdirectory. ...