Function Test-ScriptCmdlet { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param ($Parameter1) begin{} process{} end{} } begin This block is used to provide optional one-time preprocessing for the function. The PowerShell runtime uses the code in this block once for each instance of the fu...
Test-MrParameter [[-ComputerName] <Object>] Another is to drill down into the parameters withGet-Command. PowerShell (Get-Command-NameTest-MrParameter).Parameters.Keys Output ComputerName AddCmdletBindingto turn the function into an advanced function. ...
PowerShell 复制 [bool]-10 # a bool with value True [int]-10.70D # a decimal with value -10 [int]10.7 # an int with value 11 [long]"+2.3e+3" # a long with value 2300 [char[]]"Hello" # an array of 5 char with values H, e, l, l, and o....
The parameter description should include the default value. You can also set a custom default value for any parameter of a cmdlet or advanced function. For information about setting custom default values, see about_Parameters_Default_Values. Parameter attribute table When you use the Full, ...
TheSelect-Stringcommand in the function uses thePathandPatternparameters. ThePathparameter uses the$PSHelpvariable to get the path. ThePatternparameter uses the stringAbout_as the search criteria. To run the function, typeSearch-Help. The function'sSelect-Stringcommand displays the output in the ...
You can also set a custom default value for any parameter of a cmdlet or advanced function. For information about setting custom default values, seeabout_Parameters_Default_Values. Parameter attribute table When you use theFull,Parameter, orOnlineparameters of theGet-Helpcmdlet,Get-Helpdisplays a ...
通过此例来分析script 和function的关系。 Script由普通的Function以及其他的逻辑语句(顺序、选择、循环)组成。 对pipeline input进行处理的script语句。其结构为 param(…) begin { … } process { … } end { … } PowerShell executes the begin statement when it loads your script, the process statement ...
Specifies a message that appears in the authentication prompt. This parameter is designed for use in a function or script. You can use the message to explain to the user why you are requesting credentials and how they will be used.
function sign ($filename) { $cert = @(gci cert:\currentuser\my -codesigning)[0] Set-AuthenticodeSignature $filename $cert } Now you can sign your script by simply entering: Sign c:\scripts\myscript.ps1 Of course, that profile script should be the first one you sign! The idea is to...
-FunctionVersion <FunctionVersion> -MasterRegion <String> -Marker <String> -MaxItem <Int32> -Select <String> -NoAutoIteration <SwitchParameter> -ClientConfig <AmazonLambdaConfig> Description Returns a list of Lambda functions, with the version-specific configuration of each. Lambda returns up to ...