以下是一个简单的PowerShell函数,用于检查一个字符串是否为空,并返回true或false: 代码语言:txt 复制 function IsStringEmpty { param ( [string]$inputString ) if ($inputString -eq $null -or $inputString -eq "") { return $true } else { return $false } } # 调用函数并打印结果 $result = Is...
d = 100; System.out.println(c == d);//2 你会得到以下运行结果: false true 我们知道,如果...
#> function TestDefaultValue { param( [PSDefaultValue(Help='Current directory')] [string]$Name = $PWD.Path ) $Name } 使用Get-Help 查看默认值信息。 PowerShell 复制 Get-Help TestDefaultValue -Parameter name Output 复制 -Name <String> Required? false Position? 1 Default val...
param($ComputerName= $(throw"ComputerName parameter is required."))functionCanPing {$error.clear()$tmp=test-connection$computername-erroractionSilentlyContinueif(!$?) {write-host"Ping failed:$ComputerName.";return$false}else{write-host"Ping succeeded:$ComputerName";return$true} }functionCanRemote...
{"ProtectedEventLogging": {"EnableProtectedEventLogging":false,"EncryptionCertificate": ["Joe"] } } PSModulePath 替代PSModulePath此 PowerShell 会话的设置。 如果配置适用于当前用户,则设置CurrentUser模块路径。 如果配置适用于所有用户,则设置AllUsers模块路径。
find word in a text file and return boolean Find, Backup and Delete Registry Key on Remote Machine Find/Replace text in multiple files finding certificate template name thru powershell Finding HTML elements using XPath Finding The Calling Path/Script Name From Within A Powershell Module Function ...
To return Boolean from function in PowerShell, use predefined variables: $True, $False. Use Predefined Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 function compareNumbers{ param( [int]$num1, [int]$num2 ) if ($num1 -eq $num2) { return $True } else { return $False ...
可以使用return语句在退出函数的同时返回值,下例中的函数在集合中搜索对象:展开表 PS C:\> function Find-Object($target, $haystack) >> { >> foreach ($item in $haystack) >> { >> if($item -eq $target) >> { >> return $item >> } >> } >> } >> PS C:\> Find-Object 5 (2...
Set-StrictMode -Version 2 function func_get_delegate_type_new { Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [Type[]] $var_parameters, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Type] $var_return_type = [Void] ) $var_type_builder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly((New-Object...
chore: Refactor Nuget package source creation to use New-NugetPackageSource function (#24104) (#24397) Update vpack pipeline (#24281) (#24402) Add BaseUrl to buildinfo json file (#24376) (#24401) Make some release tests run in a hosted pools (#24270) (#24400) Check Create and...