通过将ErrorAction参数设置为"SilentlyContinue",可以使脚本在发生错误时不显示错误消息,而是继续执行后续的代码。 使用$Error变量:PowerShell中有一个特殊的变量$Error,它包含了最近发生的错误信息。可以通过检查$Error变量来判断是否有错误发生,并根据需要进行处理。在脚本中使用$Error.Clear()可以清除$Error变量中的错误...
DSC Engine Error : Error Message Current configuration does not exist. ExecuteStart-DscConfigurationcommand with-Pathparameter to specify a configuration file and create a current configuration first. Error Code :1 5:針對特定工作識別碼產生的所有事件。 $SeparateDscOperations是群組的陣列,每個群組的名稱都...
param($ComputerName= $(throw"ComputerName parameter is required."))functionCanPing {$error.clear()$tmp=test-connection$computername-erroractionSilentlyContinueif(!$?) {write-host"Ping failed:$ComputerName.";return$false}else{write-host"Ping succeeded:$ComputerName";return$true} }functionCanRemote...
ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Accessing Source Directory when using PowerShell/ROBOCOPY and invoke-command Error Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is null. error handling during get-acl access denied error in configuring a powershell script to modify registry and or add new value if...
Everything else is pretty much the same, and as soon as you hit Enter, the code is executed and the results displayed.If you want to use this same code repeatedly, you can simply make a function out of it. Once again, type this directly into the shell:...
Message: "+$error[0].Exception.Message$err=$err+" Error Message: "+$error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId$log=New-ObjectSystem.Diagnostics.EventLog('Application')$log.set_source("MyScript")$log.WriteEntry($err) }Trap{# Handle the errorErr_Handler# End the program.break; }# Your Code Here …...
Normally, $var would have been an Int32, but here I've forced Windows PowerShell to make $var a String, ensuring I can use all the methods associated with the System.String class. The variable type declaration also provides a handy kind of self-documentation to the code, since it's now...
In the script, I create a function to encapsulate my custom Windows PowerShell cmdlet registration code (I could have just as easily used individual Windows PowerShell statements). I like to place descriptive write-host statements in my startup scripts because I often change my startup profile ...
functionsomeFunction{return"hello"}$b=someFunction$b=$b[-1]# It will return, well, "o" 哈。 $forecastdaysArraryList.add(@{ Title=$countryCode ; Date=$forecastday.date.monthname_short +' '+$forecastday.date.day; High=$forecastday.high.fahrenheit; ...
Calling 'Get-Counter' remotely throws error 'Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline' Calling a function using Start-Job Calling a PowerShell code from Access 2010 Calling a program with powershell Calling a PS script from VBA with parameter Calling C# Named param...