A function includes the following items: Afunctionkeyword A scope (optional) A name that you select Any number of named parameters (optional) One or more PowerShell commands enclosed in braces{} For more information about thedynamicparamkeyword and dynamic parameters in functions, seeabout_Function...
The Parameter attribute is used to declare the attributes of function parameters.The Parameter attribute is optional, and you can omit it if none of the parameters of your functions need attributes. But, to be recognized as an advanced function, rather than a simple function, a func...
the function are variables declared in theparam()statement. You can use the optional[Parameter()]attribute alone or in combination with the[Alias()]attribute or any of the parameter validation attributes. For more information about how to declare parameters, seeabout_Functions_Advanced_Parameters. ...
This looks similar to a function definition above without the function keyword, name, and parameter list in the declaration. In the case of scriptblocks, parameters are defined with the param statement as the first command in the scriptblock. Keeping with the above example, I’ll show that fu...
functionTest-File{param( [ensure]$ensure="Present", [parameter(Mandatory =$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$path, [String]$content)$test=$false$get=Get-File@PSBoundParametersif($get.ensure-eq$ensure) {$test=$true}return$test}<# Private Functions #>functionConvertTo-Special...
For example, you can define a parameter as mandatory in one set and optional in another. However, each parameter set must contain at least one unique parameter. Parameters that don't have an assigned parameter set name belong to all parameter sets. Examples The following example function counts...
optional Migration table to use when copying the GPO # Returns : N/A # Dependencies: Uses GetGpoByNameOrID, found in article download ### function CopyGpo( [string] $sourceGpo=$(throw ‘$sourceGpo is required’), [string] $sourceDomain=$(throw ‘$sourceDomain is required’), [string...
Optional parameters have a default value, which is the value that is used or assumed when the parameter is not specified in the command. For example, the default value of theComputerNameparameter of many cmdlets is the name of the local computer. As a result, the local computer name is us...
TheSelect-Stringcommand in the function uses thePathandPatternparameters. ThePathparameter uses the$PSHelpvariable to get the path. ThePatternparameter uses the stringAbout_as the search criteria. To run the function, typeSearch-Help. The function'sSelect-Stringcommand displays the output in the ...
Parameters -ClientConfig <AmazonLambdaConfig> Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.LM.AmazonLambdaClientCmdlet.ClientConfig Required?False Position?Named Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName) -FunctionVersion <FunctionVersion> Set toALLto include entries for all published versions of each function. ...