Check Free Disk Space on a Local or Remote Computer For example, the following PowerShell check disk space commands query the disk information from the remote computer called DC1. Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName DC1 | ` Format-Table SystemName, DeviceID, DriveType, VolumeNa...
In this article, we will show you how to check the free disk space and disk usage on a local or remote Windows host using PowerShell. Also, consider how to notify the administrator with a pop-up notification or email if the free space threshold is exceeded. Contents: How to Check Drive...
Get-WmiObjectWin32_LogicalDisk -Filter"DeviceID='C:'"|Select-ObjectDeviceID, @{Name ="Free (GB)"; Expression={[Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/1GB,2)}} 輸出: 要在遠端計算機上啟動查詢,請在Get-WMIObject命令中新增ComputerName引數。 Get-WmiObjectWin32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName"REMOTE-PC"-Filter"De...
$drives=Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $RemoteComputerName foreach ($drive in $drives){ $drivename=$drive.DeviceID $freespace=[int]($drive.FreeSpace/1GB) $totalspace=[int]($drive.Size/1GB) $usedspace=$totalspace - $freespace $output=$output+$drivename+"`t`t"+$usedspace...
WinRM(Windows Remote Management)的底层原理是基于Web服务和HTTP(S)协议进行远程管理。当管理员使用WinRM远程访问目标计算机时,底层的通信流程大致如下: 客户端向目标计算机发送一个HTTP请求,请求连接到WinRM服务端口(默认为5985,如果启用了HTTPS则为5986)。
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $cserver -Count 1 -ea 0) { $diskinfo= Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $cserver -Filter "DeviceID='$cdrivelt'" ForEach ($disk in $diskinfo) { If ($diskinfo.Size -gt 0) {$percentFree = [Math]::round((($di...
Status Local Remote Network --- OK G: \\Server01\Public Microsoft Windows Network PS C:\> [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | Format-Table Name DriveType DriveFormat IsReady AvailableFreeSpace TotalFreeSpace TotalSize RootDirectory VolumeLabel --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --...
When running Windows PowerShell interactively, the PowerShell window displays the progress of the transfer. The following command uses an abbreviated notation to download a file from a Web site to the local computer: Start-BitsTransfer https://server/dir/myfile.txt C:\docs\myfile.txt ...
執行Windows 7 或 Windows 2008 R2 或更新版本的電腦,可包含 Windows PowerShell 2.0 及 Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 2.0。如果您要使用 Windows PowerShell,以在本機舊版作業系統或遠端管理電腦,則需要安裝 Windows PowerShell 2.0 及 WinRM 2.0。 安裝Windows PowerShell 2.0 及 WinRM 2.0 Windows Power...
After installing the certificate on your Windows® computer, you use the Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet to create and apply a digital signature, which shows up as a series of gibberish-seeming comment lines at the end of the script. Some script editors may offer the option to apply a signa...