HostObject : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ObjectModelRoot Content : HasContent : ContentTemplate : ContentTemplateSelector : ContentStringFormat : BorderBrush : BorderThickness : Background : Foreground : FontFamily : FontSize : FontStretch : FontStyle : FontWeight : HorizontalContentAlignment : Ver...
Hello, using P.Shell for office installation, with ODT, it gives me the following error shown in the photo, or opening the console in any folder with the right mouse button "open the P.S. window here" gives an error: Missing termination character in the string: ". + CategoryInfo : Par...
{## Return to an earlier point in the function if the first day of the month## is in the middle of the week.while($currentDay.DayOfWeek-ne$dateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek) {$currentDay=$currentDay.AddDays(-1) }## Prepare to store information about this date range.$currentWeek=New-...
These steps load the module in your session using the new name, which allows Update-Help to use the correct name to find the help content.\"","body@stripHtml({\"removeProcessingText\":true,\"removeSpoilerMarkup\":true,\"removeTocMarkup\":true,\"truncateLength\":200})@stringLength":"2...
TypeNameOfValue PropertystringTypeNameOfValue {get;} Value Property System.Object Value {get;set;} 5、看到上面显示了CopyTo里面仍有很多属性Property和方法Method,可以给 Get-Member 添加参数来查看指定内容 先看一下 Get-Member 命令的帮助,查看下它有什么参数可用 ...
{Write-Host"Retry:$_"} } }functionProcessTopicBatch {param($batch, [string]$batchId, [string]$outputFile, [SecureString]$token, [string]$kmDomain, [bool]$processFirst, [bool]$fiddler, [bool]$verbose)Write-Host"Batch$batchId"$entities= DownloadTopicsBatch$batch$token$kmDomain-fiddler$...
Invoke-Command { Get-Service "*SQL*" } -ComputerName HQDBSP18 -Credential $Credentials |select Name,displayname,Status |Format-Table -AutoSize This is the advantage of using WMI object where it accepts the credential parameter.Copy
"System.Int64". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format "System.Object[]" "telnet" connection test to different servers on different ports "Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the...
I don't like to put a tool in the hands of people without them having the opportunity to understand how it works. As such a large part of this post will focus on examining the relevant sections of the PE format. Once the PE structure is understood, modifying it with Powershell becomes...
[System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat].DeclaredFields.Name $outputformat = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg $bitmap = New-Object -TypeName System.Drawing.Bitmap -ArgumentList 1,1 $graphic = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage( $bitmap ); $stringsize = $graphic.MeasureString( $text,...