在Windows 10 中,可以使用 PowerShell 恢复到之前创建的还原点。以下是具体步骤: 步骤1:打开 PowerShell 按Win + X,然后选择Windows PowerShell(管理员)。 如果提示,请确认以管理员身份运行。 步骤2:列出可用的还原点 首先,您需要查看可用的还原点。可以使用以下命令列出所有还原点: powershellCopy Code Get-Compu...
使用PSWindowsUpdate PowerShell 模块从命令行管理 Windows 更新。但是PSWindowsUpdate 模块未内置在 Windows 中,但是windows可以从在线存储库 (PSGallery) 在 Windows 10/11 和 Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 上安装 PSWindowsUpdate 模块。 PSWindowsUpdate 模块对于管理Windows Server Core或Hyper-V Server(没有 GUI...
gpupdate /force 然而,这在现代 Windows 10 和 11 版本中不起作用。完全禁用 Microsoft Defender 的...
After recent Windows 10 update, the loopback adapter doesn't show in the "Network connections" list and I cannot use the old name with newly created loopback adapter. After remote desktop session is disconnected, Windows begins using 100% CPU After searching answer Where is Dumpchk for Windows...
在当前版本的 Windows 10 和 11 上,您应该使用现代“设置”面板中的 Windows 安全应用程序来管理 Microsoft Defender(您可以通过“设置”>“更新和安全”>“Windows 安全”或使用快速访问 URI 命令 ms-settings 打开它:Windows Defender的)。 如果缺少 Windows 安全应用程序,请检查您的计算机上是否安装了 Microsoft.S...
运行Update-Help 扫描计算机以查找所有已安装的模块,检索每个模块的联机帮助位置,并尝试下载其各自的帮助文件。 必须以本地管理员组成员的身份运行此命令,因为 Windows PowerShell 核心命令帮助存储在 %systemdir% 文件夹中。 如果无法下载帮助,将显示错误消息。 在这种...
If you have a WSUS server and deploy new or re-image computers on a regular basis you know that waiting for Windows to find the latest updates can be slow. This PowerShell script will help speed up the process by using with the Microsoft.Update.Session COM object to force the download ...
Hello: I am a newbie at PowerShell scripting. I have been using the following code for the last two years, and this last week (September) it stopped working. I suspect that a windows 10 update... To share and try to help others that find this thread: ...
I am a newbie at PowerShell scripting. I have been using the following code for the last two years, and this last week (September) it stopped working. I suspect that a windows 10 update changed or updated some aspect of powershell, and the crappy code I was using is no longer vali...
USOClient: Replaced WUAUCLT in Windows 10 for command-line update management. PowerShell: The most flexible option, suitable for both legacy and modern systems. PowerShell allows for advanced scripting and automation of update tasks. 8.How do I list available updates without installing them?